It was an evening in early June in Southern County, Nanchong City, Sichuan. After getting out of the elevator, she just walked to the door and was about to take out the key to open the door. My daughter, who was only 7 years old, suddenly lowered her voice and said, "Mom, there i

Author | Liu Ruyan

If minor sins are not stopped, bigger sins will be waiting on the road.


Nannan County, Nanchong City, Sichuan, one evening in early June.

html Ms. Li, a 135-year-old single mother, took her daughter home after get off work.

After getting out of the elevator, she just walked to the door and was about to take out the key to open the door. Her daughter, who was only 7 years old, suddenly lowered her voice and said:

"Mom, there is something moving in the house."

Ms. Li listened carefully, and sure enough, the wooden floor at home. There was the sound of someone moving around.

She suppressed the fear in her heart, opened the door gently, and told her daughter to stand at the door while she began to check each room.

When I walked to the second bedroom, I noticed something strange about the door. I reached out and pushed it open, and I was surprised to find a man hiding behind the door.

Ms. Li immediately shouted: "Who is it? What are you doing here at my house?"

The man did not answer, grabbed her arm and dragged her into the house.

Ms. Li recognized that this man turned out to be Deng, the neighbor who lived next door.

His strength was so strong that Ms. Li could only sit on the ground, resisting and shouting "help".

The daughter heard the cry for help and ran into the house.

Ms. Li, who was worried about her daughter's safety, suddenly burst out of strength, broke away from the man with all her strength, and quickly ran out of the house with her daughter to take the elevator.

While the mother and daughter were waiting for the elevator in great fear, Deng escaped from the fire escape.


Ms. Li took her daughter and took a taxi to her parents’ home in a nearby community.

She said: "When I saw my mother in the community, my legs became weak."

Accompanied by her parents, Ms. Li called the police.

Ms. Li suspected that this was not the first time Deng had invaded her home. She had noticed something strange many times before.

For example, I have mysophobia, and my clothes will be stacked very neatly.

But sometimes, she would find that her underwear had signs of being turned over.

There have been times when one or two pieces of underwear have been lost.

The strangest time was that there was an unknown white substance on a pair of washed underwear.

She didn’t think much about it at the time, she just felt it was unclean and threw it into the trash can.

Looking back on these details now, it makes people feel fear for no reason.

After police investigation, the whole story was revealed.

It turns out that the house in this community was a second-hand house purchased by Ms. Li after she divorced her ex-husband. The original owner of the house was the brother-in-law of Deng, the man who illegally broke into the house that day.

After purchasing the house, Ms. Li continued to use the four keys given to her by the other party and did not change the door lock.

In fact, there are 5 keys, and the other one is somewhere in Deng.

Seeing the single Ms. Li coming in and out every day, Deng had other thoughts.


Deng looks to be in his 40s and has his own wife and children.

Ms. Li lives on the same floor as him and is a door-to-door neighbor. Although they are not familiar with each other, they occasionally say hello when they meet in the elevator.

I met Deng’s old mother in an elevator before, and Ms. Li even took the initiative to help the old woman carry her things.

People say that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. No one expected that the close living environment would actually give the other party an opportunity.

Afterwards, a case investigator told Ms. Li that the note found in Deng’s home recorded her Douyin number, as well as her usual work and rest time.

should have been eyeing her for a long time.

And Ms. Li’s feeling is also correct.

Deng had entered her house before and had done some nasty things in the house.

Knowing that the incident was exposed, Deng voluntarily surrendered and was criminally detained on suspicion of illegally trespassing into other people's homes.

did not expect that more than 10 days later, he was released on bail pending trial.

Ms. Li was surprised and angry. She wrote a long article about the incident and posted it on social platforms.

In an interview, she said that she did not dare to go home now and could only live at her parents' house:

"I don't dare to go back. It's scary to think about it. I always have nightmares."

This incident has caused harm to both her and her daughter. It had a huge impact. After the incident, my daughter did not go to school for a while. Unable to overcome the psychological shadow, I submitted a resignation report to the company and became unemployed at home.

The psychological test report she took in the hospital showed:

(Ms. Li) was severely depressed, in a very low mood, feeling lifeless, with obvious sleep disorders, difficulty falling asleep or waking up early...


News must be connected to separate events. Analyze the phenomenon.

Coincidentally, in the past two days, Chen Xiaohua of Deyunshe has also been exposed to the news that he was detained for breaking into a woman's house in the early morning.

At 5 a.m. on June 25, 2022, Chen Xiaohua, who rented on the third floor of a community in Changying, Chaoyang District, returned to his rental place after drinking.

He took off his clothes at the elevator entrance on the first floor, took the elevator upstairs, and broke into a woman's bedroom on the fifth floor naked.

The woman’s name is Xiaobei (pseudonym). Her door had malfunctioned before and she never had time to repair it.

Coincidentally, Xiaobei did not lock the door as usual that day.

And the security door downstairs will open as soon as it is hit, even if it is locked.

She was resting when Chen Xiaohua burst into the door and was awakened by his voice.

Chen Xiaohua muttered obscene words such as "Waiting for me here", "It's really nice", and gradually approached her.

Xiaobei quickly picked up the fascia massage roller on the bed for defense and shouted "Help!"

The roommate next door heard the cry for help and came in to help her call the police.

Seeing someone coming in, Chen Xiaohua changed from her previous sober state, "suddenly squatted down and huddled behind the door, acting like a drunkard and a victim, and started talking nonsense."

Subsequently, the police took Chen Xiaohua away.

After the incident, this sentence was posted on the elevator of the building:

I hope that one day, "drinking too much" will no longer be an excuse to intrude on others, and there is no excuse for disrespecting women.


Some people say that Chen Xiaohua just went to the wrong room after drinking. It is normal for a drunk person and there is no subjective malice.

Others say that the reason why Deng was able to get bail was because he did not cause any substantial harm to the 35-year-old single mother. And single mothers write long articles online just to attract eyeballs.

is very helpless. There are always some people in this world who sympathize with the bad guys..

And what I want to say is, even if these women are fighting for eyeballs, it is still a good fight and the merits of the fight are immeasurable.

Do you still remember the indecent murder case in the toilet of Dongguan Institute of Technology in 2011?

A 19-year-old sophomore female student Xiaomi was molested with a knife by Ao Xiang, a boy from the same school who had ambushed her early in the women's restroom. During the resistance, she was brutally killed.After

was arrested, Ao Xiang confessed that he had molested many women, but no one reported the crime.

Just at 8pm the night before the crime, he had just molested another girl and felt that it was not enough, so he planned the crime.

Precisely because the N victims before Xiaomi did not choose to call the police or expose them, turned into murder for the N+1 time!

Once Pandora's box is opened, it can never be closed again.

So, what’s wrong with exposing these bad guys? What do they have to be "understanding" about?

Putin once said:

Forgiving them is a matter for God, and my task is to send them to see God.

Likewise, we just call out his behavior so that more people know about it and can prevent it.

As for whether he is guilty or not, the law will decide it.