As the saying goes, if you don't raise children, you don't know the kindness of your parents. If you don’t work, you don’t know how hard your parents work to support the family. If you are not old, you don’t know your parents’ helplessness. If you don’t step into society, you won

As the saying goes, if you don't raise children, you don't know your parents' kindness.

If you don’t work, you don’t know how hard it is for your parents to support the family.

If you are not old, you don’t know your parents’ helplessness.

If you don’t enter the society, you don’t know the difficulties of your parents.

If you don’t work hard, you don’t know that your parents’ energy is limited.

I think we all complained about some problems of our parents when we were young. But when we grow up, we will all understand our parents.

You have just entered the society. After working for a day, I think you feel tired even cooking, so you ordered takeout. But have you ever thought about it, our mothers used to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner after a day of work. Aren’t our mothers tired? I think I am very tired, but for the sake of my children, I still insist on cooking.

But after cooking, our mother still didn't rest. She had to wash the dishes, wash the dishes and chopsticks used by the family, collect the money from the house, and do the laundry.

Now think about it, how hard our mothers worked at that time. Nowadays, we would find it tiring to cook after get off work, but at that time, it was something our mothers had to do and it was something we did every day.

Maybe you once thought that your parents were not outstanding in some aspects, but when you entered the society, didn't you find that it is too difficult to be outstanding? If you want to give your family a good financial foundation, it really cannot be done with just one sentence.

So, we understand the imperfection of our parents, because we can't be perfect either.

Having said so much, I just hope that we all should be considerate and understanding of our parents, and then love them well from now on, because it is our turn to love them well. Let’s take care of our parents like we take care of our children.

They are old. It is time for them to receive the love from their children and enjoy the rewards their children give their parents. Let our parents feel happy in their later years, let them feel that they did not raise a child in vain, and let our parents feel that life is worth living in our love.

Don’t remember your parents’ faults, and don’t make too many demands on your parents. The fact that our parents gave us life is already the greatest favor. You have the opportunity to see the beauty of this world, you have the opportunity to taste the delicious food of this world...all because your parents gave it to you.

So, now, we must work hard to love our parents and give our parents complete family love.