It has been fifteen years, and I have already been married and had children, but I accidentally remembered a story I once experienced, a person I once experienced, and suddenly there was a ripple in my heart. I have to admit that I did think of it accidentally. The girl’s name is

It has been fifteen years, and I have already been married and had children, but I accidentally remembered a story I once experienced, a person I once experienced, and suddenly there was a ripple in my heart.

I have to admit that I did think of it accidentally.

That girl’s name is Meimei, but I can’t remember her real name.

 She is a barber and opens a barber shop near the university. At that time, I was also at the lowest point in my life. I had graduated and could not find a suitable job, so I rented a very cheap private house with a classmate and prepared to study for the postgraduate entrance examination. So I often go to her place to get haircuts, but apart from getting haircuts, we never see other small talk.

Being familiar with her cannot be said to be accidental, but it cannot be said to be inevitable either.

It was during the National Day holiday, and I was too tired from reviewing, so I wanted to relax. So I discussed with my roommates to cook some delicious dishes and relax.

The dishes are ready, but I always feel like something is missing. My roommate said it would be best if I could invite a girl over to eat together. I also had a sudden idea, so I said, how about we go and invite the girl from the barber shop to have a meal together and have a holiday? The roommate readily agreed.

So we came to the door of her store, but neither of us had the courage to go in first and tell her about it. Finally, we both decided that I would write a note with my name on it and she would send it in.

I wrote a note to the effect that I wanted to invite her to come to our house to have a meal together. If she agreed, she would come out and tell us. The roommate also had the courage to give the note to the girl.

So we waited at the door, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't come out. We thought she didn't want to come out, so we left and had to eat a big meal for two men.

I originally thought that the story between me and her would end here, but it didn’t. There is still much more to come.

After a while, I went to her for a haircut again. When I walked in, he smiled at me, not as cold as before.

During the haircut process, I asked her why she didn’t come when I asked her to have dinner last time. The answer she gave me was indeed beyond my expectations.

It turned out that it wasn’t that she didn’t want to come out, but that she couldn’t read and didn’t know what the note I gave her said, so she didn’t care and just put it aside. It wasn't until her sister who was in high school came back that we told her that we wanted to treat her to dinner. It was already night by then, and she didn't reply.

I suddenly understood, but I was also very surprised. She should be about the same age as me, but she is illiterate. This is a strange thing.

We talked about some other things, and we were much more familiar than before.

After getting my hair cut, I gave her money, but she didn’t accept it. But at that time, a haircut only cost two yuan. Her store was originally located in an urban village near the university, targeting students and nearby migrant workers. Plus, it was fifteen years ago, so two yuan was indeed a lot.

 She is very beautiful, but unfortunately, she is disabled. When she walked, her right foot was lame. She said she had polio as a child and couldn't see well.

But I don’t care. I didn't think much about it, I just wanted to make friends.

A few days later, I went to see her.

When she is not busy, she sits down and chats with me. Although she is illiterate, it does not seem to affect our communication, and we seem to have a very polite conversation.

Of course, now that I think about it, I’m not sure whether it’s because we really hit it off, or because she’s accommodating me because she has a crush on me. Because in my impression, no matter what I said, no matter whether she understood what I said, she listened very carefully.

Until one day, the two of us were having a lively chat in her shop, and suddenly a man came in. He didn’t seem very friendly, but he didn’t say anything. He went into the back room to get a drink of water.

I was very surprised, so I asked her who she was? She said it was her boyfriend.

I was embarrassed for a while. I really didn’t expect that she actually had a boyfriend.I thought to myself that I was indeed reckless and didn't know what was going on. It would really be bad if her boyfriend misunderstood her.

So I blamed her and said, she has a boyfriend, why didn’t she tell me?

She said it’s okay.

But I still felt unnatural, so I found an excuse to avoid it.

Later, I didn’t go to her place often. She has a boyfriend, and I always go to chat with her, which will inevitably cause misunderstandings. I only go there when I have to get a haircut.

She asked me why I didn’t come more often, and I explained that I was nervous about reviewing my homework.

Until one day, I was memorizing words alone outside, and I accidentally found her standing alone on the roadside in a daze.

I felt uneasy in my heart, so I walked forward and saw that her face was full of tears and there was a bruise on the corner of her left eye.

I asked her what happened?

 She cried harder.

I didn’t say anything, I just stayed with her silently and watched her cry.

She cried for a long time and finally recovered. She just told me that her boyfriend hit her.

 I asked her why.

She said it was okay. Her boyfriend often beat her and he would hit her whenever he was unhappy.

It turns out that her boyfriend works as a mason for others. When there is work, he goes out to work, and when there is no work, he looks for someone to drink with. I haven't been able to find a job lately, so I drink all day long. When I drink too much and am in a bad mood, I take it out on him.

I couldn’t be more angry after hearing what she said. Then he said, I will go find him to argue. But she stopped me and refused to let me go.

In fact, I know in my heart that if I try to reason with a rough guy like her boyfriend, I won't be able to reason with him. But when it comes to fighting, I'm just a weak scholar, so how can I beat him? She didn't let me go, which was naturally for my own good.

Of course, another way is to call the police. Of course, this is a legal society. If you call the police, the police will definitely take care of it. It is estimated that his boyfriend will be detained for five days. But at that time, to be honest, the police really didn't dare to take care of things like this.

I didn’t know what to do, so I had to comfort her silently. Tell her, in this case, why are you still with her? It's better to break up.

But she didn't want to. She said that she was uneducated and had a foot problem. It was good to find such a boyfriend, so what else could she expect?

I felt infinite sympathy in my heart, and I really wanted to say one sentence, "Please be my girlfriend." But in the end he held back and didn't say anything. In fact, it’s not her who has low self-esteem, but me. It’s been a year since I graduated from college and I don’t have a job. Although I may be studying for the postgraduate entrance examination, I can’t even support myself. In terms of it, I’m really not as good as her.

In addition, to be honest, her boyfriend is really good-looking.

The next day, she took the initiative to ask me out to play, and I agreed.

So we rode her bicycle to a park in the city and walked and chatted together. She seemed to have forgotten about her boyfriend. We played on the swing together, sat on the sand and ate ice cream. We were really happy.

Until I asked her a question, are you and your boyfriend planning to get married?

She suddenly stopped smiling and was silent for a long time. She shook her head and said, I don’t know either.

I couldn’t ask why anymore, both of us were silent.

When I went back, I rode my bike and took her with me. I asked her, if you love someone but he has nothing, will you marry him?

She said very firmly, of course. I have never thought about marrying a man with good conditions in the future. As long as he treats me well, I will go with him even if he is penniless.

I felt a sense of emotion in my heart and was silent.

She asked me, what about you, will you find a rich man to marry?

I shook my head and said, I will wait until I am rich before getting married.

We were speechless again, but at that moment, I suddenly felt that it would be great if I could marry her. Such a girl is so rare.

After she came back, she said she didn’t want to go back, so I said she should come over to my place and sit there. She agreed.

So I came to the dilapidated private house I rented. It was really dilapidated. My room was only about eight square meters, with a spring bed and a table. There was a computer on the table, and that was it.

But she didn’t mind at all.

 I turned on the computer and watched a movie with her. The most popular ones at that time were and Stephen Chow's movies, and I showed them to her. I couldn't stop laughing when I reached a very interesting place, but she had a blank look on her face, and I knew she couldn't understand.

I asked her, this paragraph is very interesting, don’t you think?

She looked at me and smiled, and she also smiled reluctantly. I knew she was trying to deal with me because she had no interest in the movie.

On a whim, I said, let me apply for a QQ number for you, and we can contact you online in the future.

To be honest, I was really poor at that time and didn’t have mobile phones. I didn't, and neither did she. If either of us moved away, we would never find each other again.

I helped him apply for a QQ account, and she named her Meimei. Now, I only remember her name as Meimei.

It was getting dark, but she still had no intention of going back.

I decided on a whim that we should have a drink. In fact, it was originally said casually, but who knew that she agreed.

So I bought a 10 yuan bottle of liquor and some cold dishes. The two of us sat together and drank. There was no entertainment, so I just drank one mouthful at a time.

It didn’t take long for everyone to drink too much.

I saw that she was a little dizzy, so I asked her if she wanted to go back. She said she didn't want to go back.

So, I said, let’s just spend the whole night here with her. She smiled and nodded.

I wanted to help her take off her shoes, but she refused. She was afraid that I would see her lame foot, which was embarrassing. I let her.

Because the spring bed was too small and could only sleep one person, we had to sleep facing each other. Her head was pointed this way, and my head was pointed this way. Just spent the whole night in this way.

We spent most of the night chatting. We didn’t fall asleep until it was almost dawn.

Nothing happens.

The next morning, I got up first and saw that she was still asleep, so I sat next to her and looked at her. The more he looked at her, the more beautiful she seemed, so he couldn't help but move up and kiss her lips.

She woke up and realized that I was kissing her, but she didn't refuse.

We kissed like this for a long time.

Later, because the exam was approaching and I needed to sprint with all my strength, I spent a lot less time looking for her, and she didn’t come to me as much.

It wasn’t until after the exam that I went to see her and say goodbye to her. She invited me to visit her house in a few days, and I agreed.

A few days later, the day before I wanted to check out the house, I took a car and came to her house. Her home is in a rural area, far away from the city. It takes more than an hour to drive.

 Her father is at home, and she also has a younger sister and younger brother, both of whom are at home. Her mother has passed away. His father runs a large greenhouse, grows fresh vegetables and sells them in the city.

Their family was very enthusiastic towards me. Her father specially cooked some meat dishes for me. I was very touched. Her father was very simple and not good at talking, but he kept urging me to eat vegetables. Her younger brothers and sisters were also very kind to me. They kept bringing me food, which made me very embarrassed.

After dinner, I said I wanted to go out for a walk, because I like the fresh and natural environment in the countryside. She stayed with me.

She took me to their greenhouse and picked the freshest cucumbers and tomatoes for me to eat. We also went to the fields and roadsides to breathe fresh air.

Because her feet were inconvenient and the roads in the countryside were very hilly, it was very inconvenient for her to walk, but she still walked a lot of the way with me.

We didn’t go back until evening.

Her sister jokingly said that the eldest sister has lost her whole life today. I looked at her sister in confusion, but her sister smiled mischievously and stopped talking. Her younger brother just came over and said, eldest sister usually doesn't go out at all, but it was you who came today that made her accompany you on so many walks.

In the evening, her father cooked some more dishes for me.

After dinner, I will take the car back. She took me all the way to the station. When parting, I told her that I would contact her via QQ in the future. She smiled and agreed.

It wasn’t until many years later, when I carefully recalled the time I went to their house and their family’s enthusiasm for me, that I realized that it turned out that their family treated me as her boyfriend.

But no one expected that that visit to their home would be the last time we met.

Later, I failed to get into graduate school, but I successfully found a pretty good job.

Since we didn’t have a phone at the time, I couldn’t contact her. In my spare time, I logged into QQ to see if she was online, but her avatar was always black.

One day, I suddenly noticed her profile picture flashing, and I quickly sent her a message.

It took a long time before she replied with the word "en".

I don’t know if it’s her on the other side, I think it is, because she can’t read, and I don’t know if she can understand what I’m saying.

I sent her my mobile phone number.

But she went offline without replying.

I never saw her online again and never received a call from her. Just like that there was no news.

 I don’t know how she is doing now and whether she is doing well. But I believe that during that period, she liked me. And I also know that I like her.

The reality prevents us from getting together. Of course, I am a college student and she is illiterate and disabled. I don't know if we would be happy if we really lived together. But I know in my heart that if I can still contact her, I will marry her because I have her in my heart.

It’s just that we met each other at the wrong time, so we can only keep this beautiful memory.