Confucius said: "If you like to be brave but hate yourself for being too poor, you will commit trouble. If you push too hard on unkind people or things, you will also get into trouble." The first sentence, being brave is originally a good thing and a virtue. But if you can't be c

Confucius said: "Being brave and sick and poor is a disorder. If a person is not benevolent, the disease has become too severe, which is chaos."

Confucius said: "If you like to be brave but hate yourself for being too poor, you will commit trouble. For those who are unkind. If people or things force you too much, trouble will occur. "

The first sentence is that being brave is a good thing and a virtue. But if you can't live in poverty and follow the right path, and you can't stand poverty, you will cause trouble.

Anyone who cannot make money actually has a desire to get rich suddenly, thinking that he can live in a luxury house and drive a luxury car as soon as he wakes up.

Where does the money come from? It started from scratch, bit by bit, slowly. When the money came in, it was very slow.

The best attitude towards poverty is to live in the current poverty, but I am very happy because I enjoy the Tao.

Through my serious work, my money will increase bit by bit, and my money will become more and more, so that I can get rid of poverty.

If you are very urgent and want to get rich and have money immediately, you will take detours, take desperate risks, and do many things that we should not do at all.

In fact, we can look back at ourselves and the people around us. Anyone who wants to get rich overnight has two problems. The first is impatience, and the second is laziness.

"The Analects of Confucius" talks about the views on wealth and poverty. Confucius said: Wealth and honor are what people want. If you don't follow the way to get them, you won't get them. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate, and if you don't get them in the right way, you won't get rid of them.

Wealth is what people like and want, but if it is obtained improperly, for example, by sneaking, abduction, corruption and blackmail, these are ill-gotten gains, and a gentleman does not want this kind of wealth. , this rich and noble status is also unnecessary.

He would rather be poor and humble, and be happy while being poor. He does not want to be rich but happy, rich but uneasy. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate. Everyone does not like poverty and lowliness, and they all want to be rich and noble. But a gentleman can feel at ease in the realm of poverty and lowliness.

Therefore, the first thing we look at when looking at a person is not whether he has ability, but whether his values ​​are correct.

The second sentence is to hate evil as much as hatred. If others are unkind, if you are impatient and continue to force the other party, the other party will not be able to bear it, and the other party will feel that what I do has anything to do with you? What's so great about you? Or if the other party can't bear it anymore, then he will show you how unkind he is and start causing trouble.

Let’s not be so anxious to force others to change. If you want others to change, you must tolerate them first, and then they will change. Because other people’s shortcomings are not formed in a day, so they cannot change them all at once.

We really don’t need to force anyone to change. Nothing is more important than cultivating yourself, so self-cultivation is the foundation.

"The Analects of Confucius" says: If the country has the Tao, then one can be an official; if the country has no Tao, then one can keep it in mind.

If you can listen, I will talk about it. If you don’t want to listen, then we will go our separate ways.

Confucianism is not to force others to do something, but to give good guidance but not to cause trouble.

Everyone has good and evil. We should try our best to inspire the good in others within the scope of our abilities. In this way, our road will be easier, which will be good for ourselves and society, and it can also be regarded as a benefit to society. merit.