Come on, let’s continue with the content of the previous issue. 3. Sense of following. Girls don’t want to make decisions and be liked. Many brothers are more considerate of girls' feelings and will ask before a date what to eat and what to do today, but girls don't like to make

is here, and I will continue with the content of the previous issue.

3, sense of following. Girls don’t want to make decisions and be liked. Many brothers are more considerate of girls' feelings and will ask before a date what to eat and what to do today, but girls don't like to make decisions. This is your opportunity to show off. This is the girl's inspection of you. There are also some brothers who ask if they can hold your hand or hug you when their relationship can be upgraded. It is recommended that you hold hands and hug when the scope is reached, and even if you have a quarrel, take the initiative to reconcile, and don't treat it coldly.

4, natural feeling. Your relationship should be gradual and progressive. When a girl falls in love with a love expert, it happens naturally from the moment she realizes the love, and she doesn't even notice it. Therefore, you must learn to lay the groundwork, pay attention to the atmosphere, and don’t think about crossing stages.

5, heartbeat. After two people get to know each other well and reach a state above friendship and not yet satisfied as lovers, they can do some things that couples do, but they have to do it step by step, such as creating some ambiguous atmosphere.

Okay, that’s all. You are welcome to leave a message for discussion~~