Sister Xu abandoned her family and her son for more than 20 years and has never fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother. After learning that her son died in a car accident and received 450,000 yuan in compensation, she shamelessly returned home to fight for the compensation wi

Sister Xu has abandoned her family and her son for more than 20 years and has never fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother. After learning that her son died in a car accident and received 450,000 yuan in compensation, she shamelessly returned home to compete with her ex-husband Lao Chen for the compensation. For this reason, the two even went to court. This incident made the onlookers a little bit intolerable. What did Sister Xu think? Could she really have the heart to take away the money that her son had sacrificed his life for?

html More than 0 years ago, Lao Chen married his ex-wife, Sister Xu, and gave birth to a son, Xiao Chen. However, the family's life was not going as planned. When their son was 1 year old, Sister Xu insisted on going out to work despite family objections. Xiao Chen was still in his infancy. She cried heartbreakingly, but it didn't make Sister Xu feel any softer.

Lao Chen became both a father and a mother and kept his son until he was 9 years old. Sister Xu suddenly came home and filed for divorce. Lao Chen was devastated. He understood that his wife must have had something disgraceful outside, so she was so determined to leave. In this family, Sister Xu couldn't stand the quarrel and he had no choice but to agree to divorce. There was nothing valuable to take away from home, so Sister Xu scolded Lao Chen for being useless. Since then, she has never been back, and she has never fulfilled her duties as a mother to her young son. Task.

Lao Chen could only earn dozens of yuan by working hard every day. In order to support his son's education, he borrowed money from relatives and friends. He can be called a poor and respectable father. After finally watching her son grow up, her son died in a car accident at the age of 30. Sister Xu's indifference after her son's accident scared everyone who saw her.

When she heard the news, she didn’t even want to see her son for the last time. She only showed up when she heard that the driver responsible for the accident was willing to pay some compensation. She went directly to the traffic police team to inquire about the specific amount of compensation. Sister Xu never showed up when Xiao Chen was buried. At the funeral, she now insisted that as the mother of the deceased, she should receive at least half of the 450,000 yuan in compensation. Such an expression made Lao Chen deeply disgusted and angry. He never thought that there was such a ruthless and snobbish person as Sister Xu in the world. He would not agree to Sister Xu's request no matter what.

Unexpectedly, Lao Chen received a summons from the court not long after. Sister Xu directly took him to court in order to steal money. After the judge came into contact with this special case, he decided to open a circuit court in the village. During the court session, the plaintiff and defendant hated each other. Sister Xu's eyes showed no sadness at all because of her son's death. Instead, she was full of fierce determination to divide the money. She said that the reason why she did not go to see her son for the last time was because she was suffering from diabetes and it was inconvenient to go out. However, this did not mean that she had no right to share the money. If Lao Chen wanted to monopolize the money, she would never agree. .

After hearing these shameless remarks, Lao Chen stood up and retorted that Sister Xu had never given a single cent when her son was growing up, but now she was using her status as a mother to seek benefits, which was a shame for her words. As he spoke, Lao Chen's lawyer took out a petition from the villagers to prove that everything Lao Chen said was true. Everyone has seen Sister Xu's ruthlessness for so many years, and they are willing to stand up and do it. This justice witness, and although this compensation sounds like a lot, it has only been spent for less than 50,000 yuan.

Xiao Chen grew up with his grandfather. After his grandfather heard the bad news about him, he couldn't afford it. The hospital treatment and funeral expenses were all paid for from this money, plus Xiao Chen's funeral expenses and his debts during his lifetime. After the repayment, there will be very little money left. Several witnesses came to court one after another and stated that Xiao Chen did borrow money from him while he was alive, and that it was returned by Lao Chen after his death. Sister Xu only focused on asking for the money, but ignored her son's death, and she did not want to know at all. What was the life of my son before he was alive? Sister Xu seemed very disappointed after learning that the money had been spent. She said pitifully that her health had not been as good as before in recent years and her diabetes needed a lot of money for treatment. She hoped that Lao Chen could give some to her for the sake of her son. , and the part Sister Xu said was at least 200,000 yuan.The number

shocked Lao Chen. He had already explained where the money was going, how could he get so much? The matter fell into an endless dispute in an embarrassing state where the two parties could not reconcile. Lao Chen was resentful of every request of his ex-wife. He did not understand why this woman was so shameless. She also regarded her son who was under the spell of Jiuquan. What, even if she really got the money, would she really be embarrassed to spend it?