This is what I want to say to every girl. It comes from the Internet that although you have a well-proportioned figure, you still aspire to be under 100 pounds. You eat cucumbers every day, and your WeChat avatar is "I won't lose 20 pounds, and I won't change my avatar." In fact,

This is what I want to say to every girl.

Originated from the Internet

Although I have a well-proportioned figure, I still aspire to be under 100 pounds. I eat cucumbers every day, and my WeChat profile picture is "I won’t lose 20 pounds, and I won’t change my profile picture"...

Actually, why do you have to fight with your figure?

You should love your body, love it from the bottom of your heart.

I got up this morning, put on a pair of black pants with a plain T, and looked at myself in the mirror. I was very satisfied.

But, actually, my weight has gained 5 pounds compared to the beginning of the year. Hahaha~

Maybe you will say, you have gained 5 pounds, but you are still satisfied with yourself? Shouldn't it be scratching one's head, holding one's head and crying?

Summer is already here, why don’t you lose weight yet!

Before I was 30 years old, I really had trouble with myself; but this year, I found that I have changed. Where did

change? Why did it change? To be honest, I don't know either.

Maybe after reading "Knock Knock Thin", I suddenly realized that becoming thinner does not mean becoming beautiful.

Perhaps he has internalized the 80-20 principle, so that he no longer focuses on the tiny weight on the road to weight loss, but looks at a lifetime...

Yes, compared to a lifetime, 5 pounds of meat is really Nothing. There are more fun and interesting things than this, which are worthy of our time and energy.

In short, my mentality gradually became fuller and more joyful.

I began to love my body from the bottom of my heart. Although it is not 100% perfect, it is a unique and completely my own gift.

Maybe others don't like it, but why do you care about others? I live for myself!

I once tried to skip dinner and go swimming for two hours. I lost weight very quickly. I could lose 10 pounds in less than a month.

However, it cannot be maintained for long.

Because where there is oppression, there is resistance. The more depressed you are, the more you rebound. A month later, I ate like crazy every day and gained the weight back.


The body understands you best, really.

When you suppress yourself, it will automatically help you mediate, use food to warm you, and resolve your hidden anxiety.

So, every time my stomach is full of food, I feel so happy.

Being thinner does not mean becoming more beautiful. Even if I lose 5 pounds, it will not make me look radiant.

What really makes a person shine is weight, which really only accounts for a small part.

Look at Jia Ling . Although she is full of flesh, her interesting soul still attracts a large number of people. If one day she loses weight, on the contrary, I still feel a little uncomfortable, haha~

Let yourself go, let yourself live happily, and not be so tight on your nerves. On the contrary, you can attract people on the same channel. .

This may be the so-called, if you bloom, the fragrance will come! Haha~

So, if you are reading this article, don’t be too anxious about your body, learn to measure weight loss with a lifetime perspective, let your soul be happy, and be a happy girl~

The above only represents my personal opinion, don’t comment if you don’t like it, I love you!