#summergrowthplan##情##情厅# Some people say: “The most important thing for a woman in her life is to find a good man as her backer; as long as a woman finds a good man, she will be able to support her for the rest of her life. That's guaranteed. "Yes, no matter how strong a woman's

Some people say: "The most important thing for a woman in her life is to find a good man as her backer; as long as a woman finds a good man, she will be protected for the rest of her life."

Yes, regardless of a woman's No matter how strong her character and abilities are, she still needs to find a man who can care for her, love her, and protect her. After all, physically speaking, women are weaker than men.

However, just because a woman finds a good man, it does not mean that she will be happy in her life. Whether a woman can always live peacefully depends on herself.

Whether a woman is blessed can be known by looking at these three "places".

1: Are you industrious?

We all know that there are many kinds of apes with high genetic similarity to humans, but why have we evolved into humans, but they have not? Because humans are good at labor and are very hard-working, this can accelerate the development and improvement of the human brain.

Diligence is not only the secret for human beings to survive in nature, but it is also an important way for a person to live a happy life. Similarly, the key to whether a woman is blessed depends on whether she is hardworking.

Having said this, some people may ask: "If a woman finds a rich man and becomes a rich wife, does she still need to work hard?"

Of course she does. First of all, human marriage is like a negotiation, and both parties need to have equal bargaining chips for this negotiation to be successful. Only if a woman works hard and achieves certain results can she be favored by those overbearing CEOs.

Furthermore, even if a woman is very lucky and is favored by a rich man, she becomes a rich wife. But to be in one's position, to pursue one's political goals, and to hold a high position, one must have the ability and prestige to match that position, otherwise one's moral character will not be worthy of one's position.

Therefore, women from wealthy families often need to be more diligent and hardworking, otherwise they will be compared with others. After all, there are many women who are thinking about that position.

2: Is it strict to speak?

As the saying goes: "Being able to speak is a kind of cultivation, not speaking is a kind of education." In real life, our words and deeds will have an important impact on our development and destiny.

Because you may offend someone you shouldn't offend because of your casual words, thus causing disaster to yourself. As the saying goes: "Diseases enter through the mouth, and disasters come out of the mouth." Therefore, we cannot speak randomly and need to think twice before we act.

Similarly, whether a woman is lucky or not depends on whether she is strict with her mouth. After all, women have a more emotional way of thinking than men, and they always have endless things to say. Some women will even tell everything to the outside world, hence the term "women with long tongues".

After a woman marries a man and gets along with that man day and night, she will know many secrets of that man. If a woman casually tells these secrets about her man to the outside world, it will not only make your man unhappy, but may even let others find out about your man, thus bringing misfortune to your family.

Therefore, it is important for a woman to be strict with her mouth. I don't think any man would like a "tongue-in-cheek" woman who talks casually.

Three: Is it gentle?

Mr. Yang Jiang once said: "A woman who has no resentment in life is particularly worthy of respect. A woman who never talks about the past has her own nobility."

deeply believes that, for a woman, Being gentle without resentment is a particularly important thing. Whether a woman is blessed or not depends on whether she is gentle.

Because If a woman is not gentle enough and has too much resentment, then everything will go wrong for her in life.

In real life, some women especially like to complain about their men. They always say to their men: "I am really unlucky for eight lifetimes by marrying you."

Just imagine, which man would like his woman to complain to him all day long? Therefore, for a woman who likes to complain, her family relationship is often not very harmonious and her life is not happy.

So, If a woman wants to have a harmonious family relationship and live happily, she must be gentle enough and must not have too much resentment.

Emotional message:

In this world, there is a cause, and there is a cause. There must be consequences. Aren’t all our current experiences the result of what we have planted before?

Therefore, whether a woman is blessed does not depend on whether she can find a good man, but on whether she has the ability to produce a good man. The quality of blessing. Therefore, a woman's happiness does not depend on others, but is entirely in her own hands.


Author: Shan Mo talks about emotions

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