At a certain moment, have you ever felt that everything in front of you was familiar? For example, if you come to a strange place, it is obviously your first time here, but you feel that everything in this place seems familiar, and you think in your heart that you have been here

At a certain moment, have you ever felt that everything before you was familiar?

For example, if you come to a strange place, it is obviously your first time here, but you feel that everything in this place seems familiar, and you think in your heart that you have been here before.

For another example, if you are walking on the road with nothing to do, you will see a certain scene at a certain moment. You will find that this scene seems to have been seen before. What is even more uncertain is that it is very similar to what you have dreamed about, including the characters in the environment. same.

So what is the reason for this situation? Psychologists call it extrasensory perception , which is special function. In the scientific community, it is called the visual effect, hallucination memory, hippocampal effect . In medical terms, it is called neurological incoordination and delusion.

How do psychologists make judgments about this situation?

In 1930, an American psychologist named Lane proposed the concept of parapsychology, which is special powers.

He believes that each of us has infinite potential that needs to be activated in a specific way, and this familiarity with everything that happens is a kind of supersensory perception.

This statement coincides with the superheroes in American blockbusters. It has a fantasy color, but it also has a certain degree of conjecture.

However, so far, this statement has not been confirmed. The specific existence of such superpowers and whether humans can evolve again remain to be discovered by future research.

How does the scientific community make judgments on this phenomenon?

This feeling of familiarity has a beautiful name: hippocampus effect. It is when human beings suddenly feel that they have "experienced a certain scene or experienced some things" in a real environment.

According to surveys, two-thirds of adults have experienced the hippocampal effect, and people who travel around all year round are more likely to experience the hippocampal effect than people who live at home for a long time.

According to people's descriptions, it was as if they had seen the same scene in a dream, but forgot about it after waking up. Later, they encountered the exact same scene in reality, causing memory confusion and feeling that everything in front of them was an experience. Passed.

The scientific explanation is that when we encounter this situation, the neurons that process memory in the brain may generate impulses, causing the human brain to predict things that have never happened. It belongs to humans to other multiverses, on the same timeline. Poor cognition of what is happening on the Internet, due to brain processing errors, treating everything in front of you as "pictures in memory".

How does the medical community judge this phenomenon?

From a medical point of view, this phenomenon is mainly caused by the overheating of the brain. Due to the uncoordinated information processing of the left and right brains, in a short period of time, everything happening in front of you is mistaken for what you have seen in your memory. .

Simply put, it can be understood like this. When this happens to us, one half of our brain suddenly processes information too fast, while the other half of the brain responds slowly.

This leads to the possibility that when you see a scene, The visual effect occurs directly across the perception and is directly transmitted to the memory nerve. And when you react, everything in front of you overlaps with your memory, resulting in a feeling of déjà vu.

So it is also called an illusion in medicine. All of these are bugs in the human brain, loopholes in neural processing, which is equivalent to converting us from vision to perception to memory, to vision to memory before perception.

In summary, this feeling of familiarity with everything in front of you is very scary and can make people's brains confused, as if time and space are out of order. But from the perspective of in-depth understanding, it is more likely to be a phenomenon of foretelling. As the ability to recognize things becomes stronger, people will subconsciously make judgments on everything in front of them, so they have this feeling.