Text/Qiao Mu In relationships, a man’s love for a woman is not what a man says or does, but what a woman truly feels in her heart. People who are more involved in a relationship and give more often don't want to let go in the end. Because when a woman is in a relationship, she sh

text / Qiaomu

In relationships, a man's love for a woman is not what a man says or does, but what a woman truly feels in her heart.

People who are more involved in a relationship and pay more often don’t want to let go in the end.

Because when a woman is in a relationship, she should not always listen to what a man says to you, but the focus should be on seeing your true inner feelings.

When a man says these words to you frequently, it means that he really doesn't love you anymore.

1. Whatever you want

In the past, when you were in a bad mood or angry, men would give you emotional comfort immediately.

However, his attitude towards you has suddenly changed. What he says to you most frequently now is three words: "It's up to you."

If you think I really don't love you, it's up to you;

If you If you feel that I really did something wrong in this matter, it's up to you;

If you want me not to go home at night, that's up to you;

If you are always so easily angry, I'm really up to you.

When a man frequently says to a woman that it’s up to you, the man already has the idea of ​​breaking things. He doesn’t hope that things will develop in a good direction. He may even feel that you have reached this point. , it’s all your fault, not his own change in his feelings for you.

When a man no longer loves you, it doesn't matter to him whether you are in a good mood or not, because he doesn't care and he doesn't care either.

A man will only care about the woman he really likes. A man will only care about the woman he really wants to embrace.

2. I’m really tired

In the past, women didn’t need to say anything about many things, and men would thoughtfully prepare them for them.

A woman feels that she is very happy. She has found a gentle and considerate man, she has found a soul mate, and she has found a man who understands her best in the world.

This is the happiest time for a woman in a relationship, because when a woman is in a relationship, she doesn't like to explain or take the initiative to say something.

allows men to prepare for themselves, unexpected surprises, and allows men to prepare for themselves, a ceremonial birthday.

Women always feel that what they ask for from men is not the happiness they want.

However, I don’t know when the man’s feelings for you have changed, and he no longer has that initiative towards you.

When something at home is broken and you need him to fix it, a man will just say I’m tired, and he doesn’t want to rest at all.

When there are important things at home and you can't lift them, you need a man to help. A man will only tell you quietly, I'm tired, and then continue to be indifferent.

When a man who was originally very diligent suddenly becomes lazy, it means that he no longer wants to be attentive to you, because he only wants to be attentive to other women.

The man said that I am tired. Not only is he physically tired, but also his heart is tired. His feelings for you are also tired. He has no strength to continue to love you, and he cannot do well the things you have told him. , he just wants to save the strength to love others.

A man who really loves you will grit his teeth and do these things for you when he is tired, because he hopes to see a smile on your face, and he hopes you are truly happy and joyful.

3. You are so unreasonable

When you truly realize that a man’s attitude towards you and his feelings for you have changed, you suddenly become a little hysterical and a little unacceptable. You have to express your emotions by quarreling and complaining. .

You mentioned all the shortcomings of a man, and you also remembered his ambiguous affairs with other women. When you really revealed the true nature of this matter, the man began to get angry with embarrassment.

He thinks you are quite unreasonable and a crazy woman, but he has forgotten that you were once a sweet little fairy. His disloyalty to love made you forget who you once were and become I don’t even know you today.

When you point out a man's shortcomings, what you get is not an apology from the man, nor a determination from the man to change, but his accusation against you. He feels that you are the unreasonable one in this relationship. person, so if he doesn't love you, it's your problem, not that he's moved on.

A man's impatience with you is the most important sign that he doesn't love you. A man's having had enough of you also means that he can't bear your relationship.

A man's indifference to you and his disguised accusations against you are just because he no longer loves you, so he will not feel sorry for you if he takes any action or behavior.

A man who truly loves you will never accuse you or yell at you. He will only speak to you gently because he is afraid that his own volume will hurt you or scare you.

A man always says these words to you frequently, and women must pay attention to them:

Men like to say whatever you want, which is the beginning of his preparation to give up and his relationship with you, so whatever you say, he will I don’t want to care anymore, it’s up to you to do whatever you want, whatever you want to think.

Men like to say I'm tired. When a man truly loves a woman, he will never be tired. He is willing to do anything for a woman. When a man is tired, his feelings for you will stop;

Men like to say that you are too It's unreasonable, because a woman tells a man's thoughts, and the man becomes angry and has no choice but to use this method to cover up his guilty conscience. This sentence contains the greatest disgust that men have for women.

Women really need to see clearly whether a man loves you or not, and learn to be more calm and gentle in relationships, and not to push too hard. Only then will women be more likely to be happy.

Thank you for your love. I am Qiao Mu, the author of Million Leopard Prints. I specialize in writing about marriage, emotions and heart-warming stories. Follow me and I will bring you more exciting content.