Text/Hao Pregnant Sister Yesterday, some friends in the mothers group complained: Before getting married, others said that you should not marry into a family with brothers, as older people tend to be partial. So, when I met my husband at that time, I asked him if he had any broth

Text/Good Pregnancy Sister

Yesterday, some friends in the mothers group complained: Before getting married, others said that you should not marry into a family with brothers, as the older ones tend to be partial. So, when I met my husband at that time, I asked him if he had any brothers or sisters at home. After I learned that I had a younger sister and that she was already married, I agreed to continue our relationship.

Unexpectedly, after marriage, the mother-in-law was devoted to her daughter. Instead of taking care of our children, we have to go to our daughter’s house to take care of our grandchildren. She fell ill but came back to see us quickly, saying that her daughter was not in good health and was having a hard time.

Every time I complained to my mother-in-law, they always advised me, "No matter how bad my mother-in-law is, she is better than other people. Old people get confused when they get old, so don't argue with her."

I also know that they are doing it for my own good, but really As the saying goes, "Don't tell others to be kind until they cry." Meeting such a person is an absolute disaster.


Alas, it is another troublesome relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

To be honest, if it were in the past, I would definitely advise "just keep a bowl of soup at a distance".

But later I discovered that this alone was not enough. When I met some people, "being a daughter-in-law is the original sin." No matter what you do, as long as you are still the daughter-in-law of this family, it will be difficult for you to live a pure life.

Especially for a mother-in-law who has these three characteristics, no matter how kind a daughter-in-law is to her, it will be in vain. The more she pays, the colder she becomes:

She is ungrateful and picky.

Frankly speaking, for many daughter-in-laws, they have thought about it after getting married. Treat your mother-in-law as your own mother. During the holidays, as long as you buy a gift for your mother, you will definitely not forget to buy one for your mother-in-law. When my mother-in-law is sick and hospitalized, no matter how busy she is at work, she still takes time to go to the hospital to serve her.

But unfortunately, some mothers-in-law have no sense of gratitude. She will feel that everything her daughter-in-law does is natural.

What's even more annoying is that people like this kind of people like to be picky and unappreciative. Even if you buy her hundreds of yuan worth of clothes, people will still think they are "old-fashioned and too tacky";

You try your best to take care of her when she is sick, but in the end you don't even have a kind word to say, and they even think you can't take care of her. Not considerate, complaining that what you did was not good and what you did was wrong.

Alas, when you meet this kind of person, the more you do, the more mistakes you make. It makes people want to stay far away.

likes to complain behind the back, and is a proper "shit stirrer"

In life, we often see some mothers-in-law who talk endlessly all day long. Not only did she talk about all kinds of trivial things, she also often distorted the facts and said something bad about her daughter-in-law.

When I am usually at home, my little thoughts are enough to make a palace fight drama. She especially likes to whisper to her son and accuse her daughter-in-law. But as soon as the daughter-in-law comes up to her, she will immediately shut up or bring up other topics.

When meeting a psychologically strong daughter-in-law, she usually pretends that she didn't hear her and just says whatever the mother-in-law likes. But I am afraid that if I meet a foolish and filial husband, I will take everything my mother said seriously.

By then, the couple will definitely quarrel frequently. The culprit often hides in the room and never comes out. When it's time to eat, people come out as if nothing has happened.

Tsk, we don’t know what kind of mentality this kind of person has. It seems that they are happy only when the relationship between the son and daughter-in-law who is causing trouble is tense and cannot survive.

She looks down upon her daughter-in-law and always treats her as an outsider.

Some mothers-in-law have an inexplicable sense of superiority. It is obvious that their family conditions are average and their son is also ordinary, but they just look down on their daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law. For people like

, no matter how nice their daughter-in-law is to her, they still can't warm her heart. Sometimes they are not as good as neighbors. For example, if the son and daughter-in-law quarrel, the neighbors will try to persuade them, but they will stand by and remain indifferent, or even act as their son's helpers.

What is even more heartbreaking is that, let alone feeling sorry for her daughter-in-law, she always treats her daughter-in-law as an outsider even after decades of marriage.

Finally, I would like to say that people's hearts change people's hearts. People who have you in their hearts will know how to cherish your kindness and feel sorry for your efforts. But if you encounter a heart that is always lukewarm, don’t force yourself anymore and just have a clear conscience.

Senior nanny, psychological counselor, author of original parenting comic articles,

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