When Lu Dan was 21 years old, she met her boyfriend Xiaojie through an online platform. The two chatted through software and slowly became a boyfriend and girlfriend. At that time, the two of them were still college students on campus. Later, they agreed to meet each other. They

When Lu Dan was 21 years old, she met her boyfriend Xiaojie through the Internet platform. The two chatted through the software and slowly became a boyfriend and girlfriend.

At that time, the two of them were still college students on campus. Later, they agreed to meet each other. They felt good about each other and became boyfriend and girlfriend in real life.

Xiaojie and Lu Dan are of the same age. Lu Dan is quiet, well-behaved and sensible, while Xiaojie is lively and handsome. Together they are a talented and beautiful woman, a match made in heaven.

After graduating from college, Lu Dan gave up the opportunity of being a weaving teacher in his hometown and went to Changsha to be with Xiaojie.

is preparing to take the exam to become a teacher in Changsha. He hopes to be closer to his boyfriend and live a happy life together. Where are the two of them? Who can't live without each other?

Xiaojie felt that the two of them had been together for two years and knew their personalities very well, so Lu Dan and Xiaojie chose to rent a house and live together.

The two of them talked about their first love with great enthusiasm, and they lived together as lovers, a very normal world for two people. Xiaojie is a person who knows how to make girls happy. Whenever Lu Dan needs something?

He always said very gently : "Don't envy others, little fool. I bought it online and made it for you. You can put it in the room and watch it every day."

Lu Dan saw Xiaojie making a little one for himself. He was very touched by his actions and relied on the days with Xiaojie. He said with a playful smile : "Will you marry me? Xiaojie, let's take wedding photos!"

When Xiaojie heard Lu Dan's words, he was also stunned. He immediately said with a smile : "Of course I do! Are you so eager to get married to me? You want to take wedding photos. After I arrange the work, we will take wedding photos."

Lu Dan was very satisfied and asked obediently. Holding her boyfriend's hand, she nodded.: "When are you going? I want to dress up beautifully. Which wedding photo shoot is better?"

Xiaojie gave Lu Dan flowers made by himself

Xiaojie often brought Lu Dan Dan went home to visit his parents. Their parents liked Lu Dan very much when they saw that she was a sensible and well-behaved girl.

When I learned that two young people were going to take wedding photos and get married, their parents were very happy to see each other. Lu Dan and Xiaojie were already 23 years old and were ready to make life-long events for them.

Both parents waited for them to take wedding photos before discussing the bride price and engagement. Both parents were very simple farmers.

In April, Lu Dan and Xiaojie took wedding photos. In order to make the photos more beautiful, Lu Dan brought a camera alone.

After taking wedding photos, they were tired enough. The two returned to the rental house and curiously looked through their photos. Lu Dan discovered that his legs were very swollen.

Because she was too tired, she didn't pay attention to her body. Different from usual, she fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up the next day, she found that her eyes seemed to be blurred and she could not see. It was at this time that she went to the hospital nervously for a check-up, and the results of the check-up dragged her straight from heaven to the lowest point in her life.

The doctor diagnosed Lu Dan with renal failure and asked her to quickly notify her family to accompany her for dialysis. The sudden blow left Lu Dan at a loss.

held the diagnosis certificate alone, sat on the chair, and cried bitterly. Thinking that she had just taken wedding photos, she couldn't accept that such a thing happened.

After thinking about it for a long time, she mustered up the courage to dial her boyfriend Xiaojie's phone number and said in a choked voice: "Xiaojie, come to the hospital. I hope you will accompany me for dialysis."

She thought Her boyfriend will accompany her until the end. After all, they love each other deeply. After Xiaojie received Lu Dan's call, he quickly arrived at the hospital.

The two hugged and cried bitterly. Lu Dan said heartbreakingly : "What should Xiaojie do? What do you think we should do?"

Xiaojie hugged Lu Dan tightly in his arms and comforted her very gently. She : "It's okay, I'm with you in everything, and I will accompany you to treat your illness slowly."

Lu Dan was comforted by Xiaojie and controlled his emotions. Together they went to the attending doctor's office to consult on the treatment plan.

If he wanted treatment, Lu Dan had to do a full-body examination. During the examination, the doctor discovered that Lu Dan Dan's heart also has problems and has already begun to fail.

Because Lu Dan's kidney failure is very serious, the doctor asked Lu Dan to undergo dialysis first to save his life. After finding a kidney source, he can undergo a kidney transplant.

Lu Dan suffers from heart failure. , as well as two symptoms of renal failure, made the family at a loss. The parents of both parties knew about the illness immediately.

The parents felt that this was a big joke. When they saw Lu Dan’s diagnosis, they could only accept the fact. , Lu Dan's parents cried bitterly while holding their daughter.

Lu Dan's mother told the doctor that as long as her own kidney could save her daughter, she was willing to cut it off because her mother suffered from epilepsy and had high blood pressure. Suitable for saving Lu Dan.

Xiaojie has to go to work during the day and take care of Lu Dan at night because Lu Dan is very weak and sometimes faints at home.

Xiaojie is also a very timid person. Thinking that one day Lu Dan would lie next to her and die inexplicably.

After her mother learned that Lu Dan was ill, she gave up on her family affairs and came to the city to take care of her daughter's diet and daily life, hoping to appease her daughter's emotions.

三. Months passed, and Lu Dan's condition was not under control. All the family's savings were spent, and relatives and friends who should have borrowed money also borrowed money.

Xiaojie's parents saw that their future daughter-in-law, Lu Dan, had become like this. It seems that they cannot accept a daughter-in-law like Lu Dan and let Xiaojie and Lu Dan break up.

Xiaojie cried and begged his mother not to do this. Considering that Xiaojie was still so young, her mother threatened Xiaojie and Rudan to break up. .

When Lu Dan and his mother came home from the hospital, they found that the things that belonged to Xiaojie were gone. It turned out that he had moved away alone.

Lu Dan felt the change in Xiaojie. The two of them had endless things to say. , now Xiaojie doesn't like to talk to herself and becomes very silent.

As an adult, she accepts Xiaojie's departure, but they have been together for so long and have such a deep relationship.

Xiaojie's departure is her biggest pain. Jie didn't mention the breakup, and neither of them wanted to break the piece of paper. They broke up peacefully, without arguing or arguing, and chose to respect each other.

Because Lu Dan was seriously ill, and Xiaojie left her. She was very depressed. Sometimes she sat on the bed stupidly, remembering the scene where the two of them were laughing and joking.

unknowingly fell on the bed and cried bitterly. She felt that after leaving Xiaojie, she really did not have the courage to live. Her body suffered from the torture of the disease, and her heart suffered from the torment of missing Xiaojie.

cried with tears every day. When the mother saw her daughter nearby, she hid in the living room and cried bitterly. She really hoped that her daughter would be safe and sound.

I would rather it was me who got sick than my daughter who had just graduated from college. Her future was originally bright, but she gave up her job as a teacher after she fell ill.

She also hopes that Xiaojie can accompany her daughter through the difficult times. Although the two have broken up peacefully, she hopes that Xiaojie will comfort her daughter more.

When she is most vulnerable, she hopes that Xiaojie will stay with her for a while, etc. She had a kidney transplant and returned to normal, and she would not pester Xiaojie anymore.

Xiaojie's parents forced Xiaojie to leave Lu Dan, forcing Xiaojie to leave Lu Dan. The two young people in love were separated by their parents and lived in torment.

Lu Dan misses Xiaojie very much. Sometimes Xiaojie will come to the house to help her clean, and the two of them will also chat about some things.

Lu Dan talked about the wedding photos. Xiaojie claimed not to choose them anymore. It would be an eyesore when they took them back and they could no longer go back.

He can always stay with Lu Dan as a friend. He hopes that Lu Dan will not have any thoughts and cooperate with the doctor's treatment.

changed from a loving couple to friends. Lu Dan, who was suffering from pain, did not accept it at all. She really needed Xiaojie's company and encouragement.

In order to let Xiaojie return to him and accompany him during the operation, Lu Dan and his mother prepared to come to Xiaojie's house, hoping to get their parents' permission.

Lu Dan at Xiaojie's house

With the support of her mother, when they arrived at the door of Xiaojie's house, Lu Dan and Xiaojie's mother met, hugged and cried together. The two looked very much like mother and daughter.

Xiaojie’s mother obviously likes Lu Dan very much, so why did she separate the two young people who were in love? What is the reason? It was her unspeakable secret.

Lu Dan returned home with the support of his two mothers. When he first entered the door, Luo Dan's mother smiled and said : "Sister, if Lu Dan's kidney transplant operation is successful, can you agree to continue dating the two little babies? ?"

Xiaojie's mother wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and while considering Lu Dan's condition, she said helplessly : "As long as she is healthy, I have no objection, and they can continue to date. In fact, I have no choice but to do so. , I have four elderly people in my family, and a daughter who is in high school. The financial pressure is very high. If we marry Lu Dan and we have to pay for her medical treatment, we really don’t have that much money.”

Xiaojie’s mother held on tightly. She held her in her arms

Lu Dan's mother exhaled loudly when she heard Xiaojie's mother say this. Xiaojie's mother said this, she was very happy, and Lu Dan was also very happy when she heard this.

Lu Dan's mother also knew in her heart that Xiaojie's mother said this just to comfort Lu Dan next to her, hoping that she would cooperate with the doctor's treatment.

At that moment, Lu Dan burst into tears and hugged Xiaojie's mother: "Auntie, I really can't live without Xiaojie. Can you let him stay with me for a while? After I change my kidney, if we really "It's inappropriate. I respect your choice."

Xiaojie's mother hugged Lu Dan and said with sad tears : "Silly boy, don't say anything. Cooperate with the doctor for treatment. We will wait until you are better." We are discussing this matter, Xiaojie, I will accompany you when I have time, don’t worry, this matter will be settled like this.”

Lu Dan’s pale and haggard face looked much better after getting permission from Xiaojie’s mother, and she will undergo dialysis in the future. When the time comes, Xiaojie can accompany him. Although

was by her side as a friend, she felt very comforted in her heart. She wanted to live a good life and provide for her parents until they die.

Lu Dan's mother said to Xiaojie's mother : "Sister, if two young people can't get along well for a long time, we will become good sisters and come around often in the future to bring the two families closer. We can understand what you do. , Now I ask Xiaojie to stay with Lu Dan more, she is very fragile now. "

Xiaojie's mother nodded and gave Lu Dan some fruits grown at home, as well as honey from home, and supported Lu Dan. go home.

Lu Dan's frail body is not strong enough to withstand the wind. If the wind is strong, it will blow her to the ground. Her face is as pale as paper. Her mother has to support her and take her home to take medicine.

Before leaving, Xiaojie's mother stood in front of the car and told : "Xiao Dan, please cooperate with the doctor's treatment and don't have any ideas. When you have time, come to the house to walk around and play. Xiaojie will accompany you. Believe in yourself." Defeat the disease."

Lu Dan was sitting in the car, shedding sad tears, because she knew in her heart that these were the words of her aunt to comfort her. At this moment, she only wanted Xiaojie to be by her side. After

came home, he looked through the certificates he had received before and saw the outstanding certificates. He felt very sad. After Lu Dan fell ill, the high medical expenses became the main problem for the family.

Lu Dan’s mother is very worried about her daughter’s psychological quality. She is afraid that her daughter will lose her mind and choose to commit suicide. What should they do then?

The youngest son has left them, and now Lu Dan is seriously ill again, which has brought a major blow to the family and is a pain that many people cannot bear.

Lu Dan's parents originally raised a son and a daughter. Lu Dan's younger brother died in an accident when he was 12 years old. Now, his parents attach great importance to Lu Dan's health.

Mother took Lu Dan to visit her younger brother, hoping that Lu Dan would be more open-minded, overcome the disease with strength, and cooperate with the doctor's treatment.

Lu Dan felt the love of her parents. She thought in her heart, what would her parents do if she left? What should grandparents do?

Although her family is very poor, she wants to live a good life and provide for her parents until the end of her life. The strong Lu Dan has to face the torment of illness.

The local village party secretary knew about Lu Dan’s family situation and planned to include them into a low-income household and help Lu Dan find serious illness medical insurance.

hopes that everyone will work together to donate to save this family. I hope Lu Dan can recover soon. Friends, please donate a dollar of your love to help this family! thank you all!