Real society tells you that when a person has no money, even the closest people around you will look down on you; the so-called relatives and hypocritical friends will only do perfunctory things and coax you with sweet words. When you encounter real difficulties, no one will help

The real society tells you that when a person has no money,

even the closest people around you will look down on you;

so-called relatives and hypocritical friends,

will only do perfunctory things and coax you with sweet words.

When you encounter real difficulties, no one will help you overcome them.

The reality tells you that if you don’t have money, you won’t be able to reach your loved ones.

will look down upon you.

To understand a person, you must have cared about her, and she was perfunctory

To see a person clearly, it must be someone who has no one to talk to when you are down

To see through a person, it must be someone who has competed with you and remained silent

To see through a person, you must have been let down by your sincere efforts.

There are some things that are not worthy of being forgiven.

It has nothing to do with generosity; everyone has his own bottom line. If

makes a mistake, he should consider paying the price for his mistake.

Life experience tells you that people are not as sick as they are.

Feelings tell you,

Don’t think that the person you miss is also thinking of you.

Don’t think that the person you can’t let go of can’t let you go either. . The so-called life,

is endless lies,

cannot see through the human heart and endless ups and downs.

When you are good, you can do anything.

When you are not good, you can't do anything.

So you must be able to do it, you must be able to do it!

Therefore, it is not terrible for men to have failed.

We should adjust our mentality to be strong enough and

to face it with an invincible mentality.

Put those people and things that are delusional to hurt you,

and then with a proud attitude, witness their disappointment. Return.