As the saying goes, character changes destiny. Why do some people get better and better with the same starting point, while some people's life is worse than when they were teenagers? Is it really fate? No, this is all because character determines destiny! The personalities of dif

As the saying goes, character changes destiny. Why do some people get better and better with the same starting point, while some people's life is worse than when they were teenagers? Is it really fate? No, this is all because character determines destiny!

The personalities of different individuals are determined by their birth and growth environment and living habits. After hundreds of years, Harvard University has summarized many good habits for changing your personality, but everything is difficult at the beginning. Here I highlight the five most basic and important ones, so that we can take the first step.

Don’t play with your mobile phone before going to bed

Mobile phones have penetrated deeply into our lives, and work and social interactions are all solved on them. But now the amount of fragmented information is too large. If you play with your mobile phone before going to bed, not only will the screen of your mobile phone stimulate the brain's excitatory factors, but the fragmented information in your mobile phone will also increase mental anxiety, thus affecting our sleep quality. And it’s possible that a few hours will pass while you’re lying in bed scrolling through your phone. Lying in bed for a long time is very unfriendly to the back bones and meridians throughout the body, so we try to separate playing with mobile phones from going to bed. Don't play with mobile phones when you go to bed. If you must play, you can play with mobile phones while sitting or standing.

Set aside 10 minutes for everything

When doing anything, it is best to leave some room for yourself. Do everything 10 minutes in advance, so that you have enough time to deal with emergencies, and you will not always be in a very urgent state. Get up 10 minutes earlier, go out 10 minutes earlier, arrive at the venue 10 minutes earlier... you will find that the whole day becomes much more relaxed.

In addition, before making an important decision, you might as well leave yourself a buffer period to calm down for a while, and then think about it after calming down. This not only greatly improves the accuracy of decisions, but also prevents us from falling into the regret of making mistakes. If you arrive late or are late, the annoyance and anxiety in your heart will take up most of your emotions, which often affects our ability to think calmly and causes us to perform abnormally.

Clean the room regularly

Harvard Business School once conducted a study and found that people with a strong sense of happiness tend to have clean and tidy homes; people with unsatisfactory lives usually have messy and dirty rooms. In other words, the house is a reflection of life, which affects our magnetic field.

If the home is too dirty and messy, it will cause us to live in a negative energy environment every day, which will subtly burden our spirit and gradually worsen our mood.

Keep everything in order regularly; wipe the dust clean; get rid of useless clutter... Only in this way can our spirit and mood get rid of the control of negative energy, and life can go smoothly.

Control your emotions

In life, everyone will encounter various difficulties, but when facing various things that can cause personal emotional instability, everyone must pay attention to calming themselves down first. , think independently about the various impacts of the incident on the individual, and do not be swayed by your own emotions.

recommends a better way of thinking, which is to learn to clearly distinguish between your own affairs and other people's affairs. For example, the way and tone I speak to others is my own business, and whether others will be unhappy is their business. For another example, it is my own business to be a good person and do things well. Whether others like me or how they evaluate me is other people's business. matter.

After making the division, you will find that you used to worry or feel anxious about other people's things. In fact, it is not necessary. We do not have to live by other people's standards, and others have no obligation to live by our standards. inside. We can't control other people's things, we just have to do our part.

Do anything for more than 3 minutes

There is a strange phenomenon that occurs frequently in life. How many people say they want to lose weight, vowing to eat less and move more, but they keep putting it off and never get started. I vowed to go to bed early, but ended up lying on the bed and scrolling through my phone and watching videos, watching how many hours had passed.

wants to overcome these. The ultimate reason is that we have given up before we even started. So when you do anything, persist for at least three minutes, and then give up after these three minutes. Once we take action, we will actually enter the state and consciously extend the time from three minutes to ten minutes, fifteen minutes, or even half an hour. If things go on like this, our lives will also distance ourselves from others because of countless three minutes of persistence.

How many of the above can you do?

Habits may seem small, but they determine a person’s destiny. The moment we crave change, everything changes.

So friends, get moving and work hard on these 5 good habits first! Your tomorrow will definitely be better and better~