In recent years, the divorce rate in our country has remained high. According to relevant statistics, my country's divorce rate was only 1.96% in 2001, but by 2020, this number has increased to 3.1%. There are many reasons why people get divorced, and one of the main reasons is c

In recent years, the divorce rate in our country has remained high. According to relevant statistics, my country's divorce rate was only 1.96% in 2001, but by 2020, this number has increased to 3.1%.

There are many reasons why people get divorced, and one of the main reasons is cheating.

Generally speaking, in people's impression, if a man cheats on his wife, the "mistress" must be younger, more beautiful, and considerate than the original wife. However, this is not the case. There is such a man who breaks people's stereotypes Impression , although he has a beautiful 25-year-old wife, he cheated on an older divorced woman who was nearly forty years old.

25-year-old Ms. Deng is a nurse in a hospital. A few years ago, she got married to Mr. Wei, a doctor who works in the same hospital. The two got married and had two sons. Mr. Wei is 9 years older than Ms. Deng. Although the couple did not communicate much, their marriage went through several years in an ordinary way. Until one day, Ms. Deng discovered that her husband had undergone some subtle changes. This peaceful day was broken.

That was after Ms. Deng gave birth to her second child. By chance, she discovered that Mr. Deng, who had never liked dressing up, suddenly began to pay special attention to his appearance. Not only would he often buy new clothes, he would also dress up carefully and style his hair when going out.

A normally slovenly married man suddenly becomes refined. This is considered to be a sign that he may have cheated. A woman's innate sixth sense made Ms. Deng couldn't help but wonder if her husband had someone outside.

Ms. Deng did not question Mr. Deng directly. She just placed the wedding photos and photos of her children in the most conspicuous place in the living room. She hoped that her husband would think more about this home and her after seeing these photos. The wife, thinking of their two sons, changed her mind because she thought she had a family.

However, Ms. Deng’s chess move was obviously vulgar, probably due to the lack of tacit understanding between the couple. Mr. Wei did not pay attention to the extra photos in the living room, and he still often stayed up at night.

Later, Ms. Deng discovered that whenever Mr. Wei said he wanted to work overtime, he secretly went to the same apartment. One day, when Mr. Wei went out to the apartment again for the same reason, Ms. Deng followed closely and rushed there with her family. As a result, she found her husband hugging and kissing another woman goodbye in a room in the apartment. In this apartment, Ms. Deng also found Mr. Wei’s personal belongings, which proves that he often lives here.

When she saw the woman Mr. Wei cheated on, Ms. Deng was a little stunned. This woman was nearly forty years old, 5 years older than Mr. Wei, 14 years older than her, and had been divorced once. She was a little confused. I don’t understand and ask: Where did I lose?

Catching her husband in the act was a huge blow to Ms. Deng. She had lived with her husband for five years and kept the house in order. Didn’t her husband have any friendship for her at all? She angrily questioned Mr. Wei, but received silence.

Mr. Wei's mother did not believe that her excellent son would cheat. She revealed a situation when the two got married. According to her, Mr. Wei was not really willing to marry Ms. Deng at first. Ms. Deng was three months pregnant. Finally, after a stubborn fight, the two got married. Subsequently, Ms. Deng also produced a chat record between Mr. Wei and his friend. In the chat record, Mr. Wei told his friend that the reason why he married Ms. Deng was not because of feelings between the two, but because of the relationship between them. Because I want to make my ex-girlfriend angry.

After five years of hard work, Ms. Deng slapped the divorce agreement in front of Mr. Wei, but Mr. Wei hesitated. He said that his career has been getting better and better over the years, but the pressure has also increased. In life, he and his wife, Ms. Deng, often have some differences of opinion, which leads to conflicts and an unhappy separation. In the face of these When he was in conflict, he could only escape with silence. The long-term depression accumulated in his heart and he could not talk about it, so he was unable to resist the temptation.Now, Mr. Wei realizes his mistake. He does not want their little family to break up. He hopes to continue to maintain this marriage with his wife.

Perhaps she still had a trace of love for her husband in her heart. After her husband repented, Ms. Deng did not continue to insist on divorce. In the end, the two went to the judicial office for mediation. At the mediation site, Mr. Wei said that he was unwilling to divorce for the sake of his two children, but he had no explanation for his cheating, or even mentioned it. This made Ms. Deng very disappointed, and her last hope for Mr. Wei was gone. Existed again, and finally the two signed a divorce agreement, ending the marriage.

Author's point of view

Falling in love and getting married is something common to both men and women. You and I hope that we can join hands to open the door to marriage. You can't bet on other people's feelings. Marriage is not a child's play. Just to anger your ex, you marry someone you don't like. , this is irresponsible to oneself, and it is also a great harm to the current president. In the marriage between Ms. Deng and Mr. Wei, although their marriage eventually broke up, a marriage without love cannot last long. Rather than continue to endure such a marriage, it is better to get together and break up and find happiness that truly belongs to you again. .