I really like the words of the playwright Bernard Shaw: "Life is not about finding yourself, the real meaning of life is to shape yourself." Everyone's life is not about reaching the sky in one step, but about constant experience and change. But even there is a way to change. Som

I like the words of the playwright Bernard Shaw :

"Life is not about finding yourself, the real meaning of life is to shape yourself."

Everyone's life is not one step to the top, but continuous experience and change.

But even if there is a change, there is a method. Some people who are suffering have been struggling to change their destiny, but if the right method is not found, no matter how hard they struggle, it will be in vain.

And those who are getting better and better are often the ones who have found the right method and continue to stick to it.

Adhere to the following three suggestions, and there will definitely be more beautiful scenery in your life journey.


Reading is the best way to change your destiny

Today's society advocates equality for everyone, but in fact, true equality still needs to be fought for by yourself.

Not everyone's life is good at the beginning. Some people are born into wealth and do not have to worry about their livelihood;

People with a low starting point must develop good habits and learn a skill to get better and better on the road of life.

And liking to read is one of the lowest-cost skills.

Fang Qi, a travel blogger who became a hot search topic some time ago, was born in an ordinary family in Heilongjiang and graduated from university with only three books.

But in the difficult life of Beidiao, she always read in her spare time to enrich herself, and finally was successfully elected as the host of CCTV.

Recently, she became well-known to the public for her praise of Zhang Hanyun in the program " Praise for Songs ".

's sentence "Let him be strong, let him be strong, and the breeze will blow over the hills." Many netizens said that she was praising the ceiling of the human world.

Many people felt healed after listening to her copywriting. Her gentle language in the video also made people clearly feel the beauty of reading.

There is a saying in the popular drama "人世": The purpose of reading is not to achieve great achievements, but to give you an inner strength when you are knocked back to your original shape by life and fall into the quagmire.

Reading is the best way to change your destiny.

The three brothers and sisters who were born the same in "The Human World" have completely opposite lives because of their different attitudes towards reading.

The Zhou family lives a hard life, their income is not high, and the wife has never been to school.

The hardship of working day and night, the difficulty of sleeping in the open air, and the loneliness of being far away in a foreign country made Zhou's father's temples gray earlier than those of his peers.

He did not want his three children to repeat such a tragic fate, and often told them to study hard.

What is gratifying is that the eldest son Zhou Bingyi and the second daughter Zhou Rong were admitted to Peking University with the support of their parents.

After graduating from college, Zhou Bingyi married the daughter of the deputy governor and was promoted from the director of the Department of Culture to the position of a provincial cadre.

Zhou Rong returned to his hometown to teach at a provincial key university and became the youngest associate professor in the school.

The third son, Zhou Bingkun, failed to enter college because he had no interest in studying, and ended up working as a grassroots worker in a factory.

He was not given the opportunity to live in a different apartment, so he had to live in a slum with his parents. Even his neighbors secretly called him "the most worthless old man".

The different situations of the children of the Zhou family also reveal to us the simplest truth:

If an ordinary person wants to change his destiny for the better, reading is not the only way, but it is the best way.


Only by introspection can we often make progress

Author Liu Tong said: "If you feel that life has played a trick on you, maybe this is the best time for you to stop and reflect on yourself."

In the face of difficulties and troubles, it is meaningless to accuse and complain. Only by self-reflection and insufficient reflection can we gain progress.

is used to looking for problems within himself, and can often find the essential cause of the problem and figure it out at a glance.

People who are used to looking for problems from others tend to blame and complain, which makes them crazy.

There is such a fable:

There is a young farmer whose job is to transport his agricultural products to another village by rowing.

He was eager to deliver it as soon as possible so that he could get home before dark.

At this moment, he suddenly found a very fast boat on the opposite side sailing down the river towards him.

was about to collide, but the other boat made no move to avoid it.

"Get away! Get away! You madman!" The farmer kept shouting to the other side: "If you don't get away, you will hit me!"

But the farmer's roar did not make the boat change at all. Although he frantically tried to get out of the way, the boat hit his boat hard.

The farmer was furious, and he sternly rebuked the other party: "Are you blind? The river is so wide, and you didn't even know how to avoid it and hit my boat like this!"

But no matter how much the farmer yelled, there was no response from the other party. , he took a closer look and saw that there was no one on the boat.

What made him furious and scolding was just an unmanned empty boat that broke free from the rope and went downstream.

In fact, in most cases, the audience we scold and complain about is no different from this empty ship.

When there is a problem with , you should look to yourself instead.

often introspect and attribute to inwardly, the pattern will be broader and the blessings will be deeper.


Only by letting go of obsession can you become a wise man in life

Life is a one-way journey that can only move forward and cannot return. You must learn to let go of the missed scenery no matter how attached you are.

In the journey of life, the more and more serious your obsessions are, the harder it will be to walk.

You must understand that only by letting go of your obsessions can you return to peace and seek better things.

There is such a fable:

An eminent monk who loves pottery pots, no matter how far the journey is or how high the price, he will always find a way to appreciate and collect them.

The faucet teapot is his favorite teapot among all the teapots he has collected.

One day, a friend whom he had not seen for ten years came to his door and asked. He took out this faucet pot to make tea for him.

My friend liked the shape of this faucet pot very much, but when he was playing with it, he accidentally dropped it to the ground and broke it.

The friend apologized quickly, but saw the eminent monk squatting down, silently picking up the pieces, then taking out another pot and continuing to make tea and laugh, as if nothing had happened.

A friend asked him: "This is your favorite teapot. I broke it. Don't you feel sad and regretful?"

The eminent monk said: "The teapot has been broken, so what's the use of being nostalgic for the broken teapot? ? Why not search again, maybe you can find a better one? "

Letting go is actually a kind of wisdom, a kind of mind, and the happiest way to live in life.

Material desires follow the heart, love and hate, and worries all arise from the heart.

Forced melons are not sweet, and forced people and things often only lead to pain.

In this case, why not relax your mind and let nature take its course.

Plato said: "If you are not happy or happy, then let it go. The most regretful thing in life is to give up easily what should not be given up and stubbornly insist on what should not be persisted."

Let go, although it is very difficult. It's difficult, but if you can't let go, you will have more pain and troubles.

Real wise men in life, they are loyal to their own hearts, don’t get into trouble when things happen, they are comfortable, and their hearts are comfortable, so they live more clearly and understandably.

Xunzi said: Those who know themselves do not blame others, and those who know their fate do not worry about heaven.

A person's destiny is not static, but is changed by his choices one after another and his efforts bit by bit.

Keep reading, think often, and learn to let go. Believe me, you will gain a different life and become the person you want to be.