Today's women, while pursuing a slim figure and eight-pack abs, also don't forget luxury cars and mansions. People can’t help but sigh: luxury cars and mansions are really a magic weapon to seduce girls! My brother Daqing, who lives in my hometown, suddenly sent me a message aski

Today's women, pursue young girls and eight-pack abs, but they also don't forget luxury cars and mansions.

People can’t help but sigh: Luxury cars and mansions are really a magic weapon to seduce girls!

’s brother in Daqing suddenly sent me a message asking if I was free and was planning to come over to play.

"I happen to be free, come over!"

The last time we met was when we returned to our hometown last month.

Daqing and I are the same age. We went to elementary school and middle school together.

At that time, it was quite far from the middle school, and basically had a boarding system. The dormitory conditions are extremely poor. The glass windows are often broken by naughty classmates, and the school only repairs them once a year.

That dormitory was cold in the winter and cool in the summer. It was okay in the summer, but it was unbearably cold in the winter. Daqing and I figured that if his quilt was thin, he would be on the bottom, and if mine was thicker, he would be used as a cover. We slept like this for three years.

During high school, he went to a vocational school and they were no longer together.

Until I was in college, he graduated and went to work in the city where I studied.

’s daily job is to draw, and the salary is not high .

After working for a few years without improvement, I went back to my hometown and found a design job, which was dull and monotonous.

At that time, I had a lot of time to work after graduation, so we often went back to drink together. Later, I heard him say that this was not going to work. living in a life of limbo was not the life he wanted, and he was ready to resign.

Later, when he went back, he found that he had set up a studio by himself and built an e-commerce store called Moubao and a certain Xixi.

"I'm going to take a look at Mercedes-Benz cars. Do you know where there is a 4S store?"

"Yes, come over!"

Are you ready to buy a Daben in just a few years? I was very surprised! It seems that business has been doing well in the past few years.

is proud of the business world, but not so happy in love.

In small counties outside the fifth-tier cities, people over thirty are already older and unmarried. Small cities are not as tolerant as big cities. Basically, everyone is married in their early 20s.

Now I am looking for a woman close to my age, is basically a leftover woman, or someone who comes from a big city.

A young man who is high-minded but has a low hand, who demands too much and uses the outside world to demand things from a small county town, can only be left behind.

He fell in love with several other women, but they all ended in vain. Not only was he wasting time and energy, but he also became a slut, and was exhausted both mentally and physically.

We talked about these things while drinking and chatting. I casually mentioned it at that time: Since you are making money now, you should package yourself well.

"How to package it?" "The simple thing is to buy a car, buy a car with a big price tag, and then work on your own image.

Package the studio into a big company, and package your circle of friends to be more stylish"

"The most important thing A man may not have money, but he must be coquettish, thick-skinned, and don't be a licker. If there is no further relationship within a week, change to another one. Your time is precious now!"

I didn't expect that he was really going to go after A's drunken words! changed!

There are really too many young men in their thirties who are single and waiting to be married.

In this impetuous society, it is really difficult for a man who works honestly and does not have a girl at work or someone to introduce him to find a girl to get married to.

Today’s girls all like the rich second generation, who are bad and a little bit naughty.

It's a pity that they can't see their own conditions clearly, and they are bruised every time. They encounter scumbags who are packaged as rich second generation, and their girlfriends change every day, but they still like this one.

There are too many girls around who are looking for someone like this. I just suggested that if he really can’t do it, we should wrap ourselves up and get married if we find a suitable one.

took him to a few 4S stores and made a decision immediately. He said he was afraid that he would return to his previous thinking because it took too long.

Even the advertisements on the car read: In this impetuous society, are you sure you don’t want a car with a soul?

Society is pursuing girls with cars, money, and houses. Don’t be so noble and think that you are a pure land. In fact, no one cares!

The most painful thing in life is to realize that you are just a vulgar ordinary person!

Daqing also drove the car he bought and lived up to expectations. He got a new girlfriend within two months. I hope he can get married!

Do you think, when you have money, should you buy a car or a house first?

Welcome to leave a message for discussion~

I am Xiao Wu’s classmate