When the word "indifferent" is mentioned, it is often seen in life. In the recent "Tangshan Beating" incident, some bystanders also appeared indifferent. However, in the face of the extremely vicious perpetrators, the first thing ordinary people think of is self-protection, even

2024/05/2203:28:32 emotion 1503

When the word "indifferent" is mentioned, it is often seen in life. In the recent "Tangshan Beating" incident, some bystanders also appeared indifferent. However, when faced with the vicious perpetrators, the first thing ordinary people think of is self-protection, even if the video There was a girl inside who wanted to rescue her, but the man beside her still dragged her away from the scene rationally.

Some people say that "standing up" is a noble character, and some people say that "being willing but weak" is an instinct.

But "sitting idly by" without mercy seems like a sin.

Most of the goodwill between people comes from "kindness". If you treat me better, I will repay you with the same kindness.

The most important thing in maintaining a relationship between relatives and friends is to "reciprocate with courtesy". When friends are in trouble, they help each other, and relatives come and go, so that the relationship will not be broken.

Relatives who have not seen each other for more than ten years behave extremely indifferently. Friends who have not seen each other for several years, what does your life have to do with me? This relationship naturally becomes "indifferent".

The relationship between people is to let nature take its course. As the distance increases and time goes by, the feelings will fade.

There is a kind of indifference called lack of emotion.

There is a kind of indifference called ruthlessness.

When the word

01 Indifference is a kind of insensitivity

Lu Xun once wrote in the article " Mr. Fujino " that in the second year of Tian's teaching on mold science, the shapes of bacteria were all shown in movies. The paragraph was finished but the class was not over yet. At that time, there were a few movies about current events, and naturally they were all about Japan's victory over Russia. But there are Chinese people in it: I worked as a detective for Russians , and I was captured by the Japanese army and wanted to be shot. A group of Chinese people were watching around me ; there was also me in the lecture hall.

The so-called insensitivity is the extreme form of indifference. Some people see their loved ones in trouble but do nothing to save them. Instead, they show a look of disdain, but it is not disdain, but extreme indifference.

There is a saying in "Zuo Zhuan: The Fifth Year of Duke Xi": "The proverb says that the assistants and chariots depend on each other; the lips are dead and the teeth are cold; it is called Yu and Guo."

The so-called lips are dead and the teeth are cold, which means that you watch the people around you encounter difficulties and ignore them. , this difficulty will also affect yourself.

In life, we often meet a kind of person who will look on coldly when seeing something happen to his relatives and friends at home. When he encounters disaster, who will care? Others give, until one day, after experiencing too much indifference, the heart becomes cold.

Some people feel that the misfortunes of some people have nothing to do with them. Only when disaster befalls them do they begin to long for someone to pity them.

The indifference between people has defeated many people's hearts and chilled many people's hearts.

If a human heart is indifferent to the point of indifference, then this heart cannot be saved.

When the word

02Indifference is a kind of selfishness

Some people don't know how to be grateful no matter how good you are to them.

When I was a child, I had a kid. Because his family was a little poor, several friends around him took good care of him. When he went to the store to buy popsicles, he had no money, so others would take turns buying them for him. This was still the case when

grew up. When his friends went out to eat together, he was never asked to foot the bill. When he got married, his family had no money, so several friends donated generously and successfully helped him marry a wife.

Then one day when his life was getting better, he fell in love with a rich man, and he immediately became arrogant. Especially when facing this group of old friends, he became arrogant.

One year, everyone got together again and had a good time drinking and talking. He boasted for a long time, but in the end he still pretended to have no money...

One year, there was a young boy who encountered difficulties at home. His brothers all helped him raise money, but this was the only one. A person who has been stingy since childhood, even though he has money, he still says behind his back, "What the hell!" He also has today!

People's hearts are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants. Horsepower can be seen from a distance, and people's hearts can be seen over time! The reason why some people are indifferent may only be because they are too selfish in their bones.

In life, I meet many people who only have interests in their eyes and greed in their hearts. They always want to take advantage of others and suffer a little loss!

There is a relative in my family who is like this. He is thinking about other people's property all day long, but he is not a good person himself. When his own family encounters difficulties, he asks everyone for help, and calls anyone who doesn't help or can't do anything "not interesting enough." However, when other people have difficulties, he either turns a blind eye or complains endlessly.

There is a kind of selfishness, which is to ignore other people's difficulties and avoid them with excuses.

There is a kind of selfishness called greed, being careless, asking for everything, and being shameless.

There is a proverb in Japan - Don't use other people's swords to make merit for yourself.

There is a kind of person who takes other people's path and leaves others with nowhere to go.

Because of selfishness, it is indifferent; because of indifference, it is selfish.

When the word

03Indifference is a kind of ruthlessness

If there is love in the sky, the sky will also grow old, the right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life!

Sadly, there are not many people in this world who are sentimental and righteous.

I remember that when I was a child, my family was building a house. People at that time were affectionate and kind. A few of my best friends would take the initiative to come to the house to help. When the house was built, they didn’t need a penny or a few rations of food. Some people would just finish their work. Go home.

Nowadays, if we are renovating a house, even if we ask relatives to help, it is unjustifiable if we don’t pay hundreds of wages and treat them to a few meals.

Entering the era of commodities, feelings have also become "commodities". Many "emotions" have become bargaining chips for the exchange of interests, and many "emotions" have become tools for interests.

People today have too much indifference, which is euphemistically called reality, but they live increasingly lonely.

In the company for more than ten years, colleagues have gotten along very well with each other. When leaving a company, some colleagues are reluctant to leave, and some shed tears.

In today's workplace, most people regard themselves as "reality". They regard everyone who comes as a competitor, and they are very sad when anyone leaves. They look friendly on the surface, but in their hearts they only have interests.

People today have become impatient when they love someone. How many people pursue "you love me" instead of "I love you".

Yesterday we were still talking about each other's lovers, but today they parted ways due to interests.

In the past, people who were on blind dates were respectful and tactful to each other. Even if they were "not in love", they would still show respect to each other.

Today’s blind date has become a variety show and has become very realistic. Do you have a house? Do You have a Car? If not, just turn around and leave.

When some people fall in love with someone, they are hypocritical and flattering to the extreme, but once they no longer love someone, they immediately become cold and heartless and leave heartlessly.

The most "ultimate" indifference in the world is ruthlessness!

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