Thomas Hobbes once said: "Every time people violate reason, they will be punished by reason. A life that loses reason is like a wild horse that runs wild. It is out of control no matter what." Some people joke that after marriage, abortion The tears are all from the brain water w

2024/05/2120:11:34 emotion 1357

Thomas Hobbes once said:

Thomas Hobbes once said: "Every time people violate reason, they will be punished by reason. A life that loses reason is like a wild horse that runs wild, out of control no matter what."

Some people also joke that marriage The tears I shed later were all the water that got into my head when I was in love. Because you are in love before marriage, you will fall into a desperate situation after marriage and be unable to extricate yourself.

It’s just that some people can wake up early and stop their losses, but some people never wake up and can’t decisively stop their losses. Instead, they go all the way to darkness.

Faced with the moral kidnapping of a foolish and filial man, the only thing a wife can do is to wake up in time, stop losses in time, and don't procrastinate, otherwise you will never see hope and future in your life.

Thomas Hobbes once said:

01. Instigated by her mother-in-law, her husband asked for AA production.

Lin Qi never expected that her husband, who had always been sensible before marriage, would become a completely foolish and filial man after marriage. In other words, her husband is essentially a foolish and filial man, but Lin Qi automatically added a filter to him when she was in love.

When I got married, my husband’s family bought a wedding house. But the down payment for buying a house is borrowed. This borrowed foreign debt needs to be repaid by Lin Qi and her husband together after they get married. Lin Qi proposed to add her name to the real estate certificate. After all, the mortgage and loans were repaid with the joint property of the husband and wife, so she had the right to ask for her name to be added.

As soon as Lin Qi’s request to add her name was raised, her mother-in-law was the first to object, saying that the wedding house was purchased by her family, and Lin Qi’s family did not contribute a penny, not even the 200,000 dowry she came with as a dowry to help pay off the debt. Qi is not qualified to ask for an additional name.

Lin Qi’s request to add her name was unsuccessful, and her husband was instigated by her mother-in-law to ask Lin Qi to pay off her debt with a dowry of 200,000 yuan. As soon as Lin Qi refused, her husband angrily demanded the AA system and refused to compromise.

was facing divorce just after getting married. Lin Qi was in a dilemma. She didn't want her parents to worry and she didn't want to wrong herself, so she had no choice but to agree to the AA system. From then on, the couple each kept their own wages, and no one took advantage or suffered any loss.

Thomas Hobbes once said:

02, "My mother is sick, I will take her home and let you take care of her."

The couple has been working together for three years, and everything is harmonious. Although Lin Qi could not adapt to this AA system at first, as time went by, Lin Qi also discovered the benefits of the AA system. Each is responsible for half of the living expenses, each parent is responsible for it, and each person is responsible for the favors of relatives.

Even many times, Lin Qi especially enjoyed this kind of life. Although it seemed to outsiders that the couple was very careless, Lin Qi felt that this was a good idea. It could avoid many conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and it could also avoid her husband's family's calculations about her dowry.

As for her husband’s monthly salary card being handed over to her mother-in-law for safekeeping, Lin Qi turned a blind eye and didn’t care at all. Anyway, as long as the husband shares the living expenses on time every month, it will be fine.

All this stability was completely broken until my mother-in-law fell ill. Without discussion, her husband took the initiative to bring his sick mother-in-law home, and confidently asked Lin Qi, "My mother is sick, I will take her home and let you take care of her. You can either take a long-term leave, or simply quit your job and take care of her at home." "

When her husband made these requests, his tone was so matter-of-fact that Lin Qi almost vomited blood. She sneered and asked her husband, "You brought your mother-in-law to your home for retirement. Have you ever asked my opinion?" Isn’t it someone’s parents who will take care of them?

Thomas Hobbes once said:

03. Foolish and filial men take it for granted. Wife: Let's AA

Lin Qi's rhetorical question did not make her husband back down. Instead, she replied forcefully: The wedding house was bought by my family. You can move in with your bags. I have brought my parents here for retirement, so why should I interfere? your opinion?

Lin Qi was not to be outdone and said: "We AA, when you take your parents to take care of them in old age, do you think you want me to help you take care of them? What's more, we have already said that whose parents are who will take care of them. I have no obligation to take care of my parents.

My husband may not have expected Lin Qi to refuse. After all, it is one thing for a couple to have an AA relationship, but it is another thing for a son and daughter-in-law to be filial to their parents, not to mention that the daughter-in-law has the obligation to do so. Support mother-in-law.

My husband said angrily, if you don’t agree to take care of me, then pack up and leave my house. This request from her husband made Lin Qi very sad. It turns out that women can never be stupid. No matter how much a man loves you, if your name is not on the real estate certificate, you will easily be kicked out of the house by the man at any time.

Lin Qi was unwilling to compromise and returned to her parents' home with her child. The angry husband also started to have a cold war with her. Until a week later, her husband came to her in a panic and asked her to go back and help take care of her mother-in-law. He said that he went to work during the day and came back to take care of her at night, and he really couldn't stand it anymore.

Looking at her husband who looked so miserable, Lin Qi felt no sympathy or pity at all. Poor people must be hateful. The combination of the foolish and filial husband and her mother-in-law has long made Lin Qi disgusted.

Now, she will not add insult to injury, but she will not compromise to serve her mother-in-law. When her husband's family plotted against her, did they ever think that one day they would ask her for help?

Today’s topic:

Do you support Lin Qi to take care of her mother-in-law?

Pinxia explanation: Analyze marriage emotions and teach you to understand human nature!

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