The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is: "In the beginning, human nature is inherently good." People's hearts are inherently kind, but it is only due to different experiences that people have different human natures. Therefore, not all people are kind. Remember, "Yo

2024/05/1804:01:33 emotion 1132

The opening chapter of the Three Character Classic is: "At the beginning of man's nature, he is inherently good." People's hearts are inherently kind, but it is only due to different experiences that people have different human natures. Therefore, not all people are kind. Remember, "You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others."

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

Kind-hearted people must remember that "poor people must be hateful." The suffering that everyone suffers cannot be changed by ordinary people. As the saying goes: "Whoever creates evil will suffer the sin himself, and whoever sows good will suffer." Whoever has the seed will enjoy the blessing."

Everyone is trying hard to speak nice words, and some people use "flattery and flattery and other words" as communication terms, and the basic moral bottom line of being a human being is thrown out of the sky. It’s so hard to hear unflattering advice now because the truth is hard to hear.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

The times are developing, society is progressing, and families must be harmonious. Every family has become rich, so their material needs and spiritual requirements have also increased. Concentrating on famous brands when consuming and focusing on face when going out is a criticism in today’s society.

Especially children’s vanity is even more difficult to satisfy. As long as the child opens his mouth, the basic requirements must be met. However, the elderly in their hometowns rarely receive greetings and greetings. Occasionally, they only call to ask if they still have money. People are busy, and the affection for family members has faded.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

People's hearts are separated from each other, and they don't know what to do. In fact, for some people, appearance and heart are the same, but for some people, appearance and heart are contrary to each other.

In fact, people's hearts are separated from each other, and they don't know what to do. It means that people with deep pockets will not let others see their true inner thoughts and hide the true ugliness in their hearts. They will show the best side of themselves to outsiders, but in fact, they hide a very ugly side inside. Ugly face.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

On the contrary, there are some people who speak very straightforwardly. Although they are not forgiving with their words, they are like a sharp knife and often hurt people's hearts. Heart. Well worth making friends with.

Only those who can truly be the same in their hearts and actions are called gentlemen. On the contrary, villains are smiling but hiding their knives. They don’t see any flaws on the surface, but in fact, they are brewing some very nasty things in their hearts.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

If we encounter such a thing, we need to develop a sharp eye in order to understand a person's true inner world. Everyone has a heart, but you can’t know the person’s face, but you don’t know the heart. The appearance you see does not represent a person’s true heart. On the surface,

has a treacherous and lewd smile, but in private, he engages in shady collusion, trying every means to defraud you of your money under the guise of win-win cooperation. Such examples can be seen everywhere.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

So beware of it and be careful. It is impossible for pie to fall in the sky. As long as it is too easy to get, you must think calmly.

In today's era of popular Internet, we need to keep our eyes open to distinguish the true from the false. Don't be greedy for cheap. When you see low-priced things, you can't help but buy them. Some apps use the guise of cheap to take advantage of the public. We thought we were getting an advantage.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

There are all kinds of wonders in the world. Only things we can’t think of can’t be done by others. Try to run your own life well, don't do things that harm others and benefit yourself, but learn to prevent being hurt by bad people.

In the past, whether it was traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, patients would be treated with thorough consideration and use as little money as possible. Looking at today's pharmacies and doctors, five yuan can cure a cold, but after one treatment, you can't get rid of it without a hundred and eighty yuan.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

There is a saying that goes well: "Doctors are like parents"! But now, there are very few such good doctors. Some unscrupulous doctors would like to sell your home to raise money for medical treatment.

We have become accustomed to discounts and promotions in shopping malls and supermarkets. In recent years, even pharmacies have implemented promotions.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

You get free eggs when you buy medicines, you get double points on membership days, and you can exchange points for gifts. It’s really interconnected and full of tricks. It seems that the hope is that the more medicines people buy, the better. It also gives people the feeling that the more medicines purchased, the more cost-effective they are.

When we behave in society, we must learn to treat people with sincerity and treat others with sincerity. We must never take other people's selfless dedication as a matter of course, let alone let a person who is kind to us feel chilled.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

As a person, you must have a grateful heart, and you must be responsible and responsible in doing things. People should not do things like burning down bridges.

As the saying goes: Good things don’t go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles. Don't make any noise when you do good things, think calmly when you do bad things, and think twice before you act.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

Because it is difficult for a person to have a good reputation. A good reputation is difficult to buy with money. It's easy to get a bad reputation. You only need to do one bad thing to become infamous.

So it is easy to be a bad person. Once you are labeled as a bad person by others, it is difficult to redeem your original good reputation even if you pay a hundred times the price. It is like a mirror. Once it is broken, no matter how well you repair it, it will still have flaws. It is said that a broken mirror cannot be reunited.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

Only behave according to your duties and do things down-to-earth. Integrity is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Let each of us take integrity as the basic moral code and build a social family full of integrity and mutual help. Let China This giant dragon holds its head high and stands forever in the east of the world!

When we behave in society, we must learn to treat people with sincerity and treat others with sincerity. We must never take other people's selfless dedication as a matter of course, let alone let a person who is kind to us feel chilled.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

As a person, you must have a grateful heart, and you must be responsible and responsible in doing things. People should not do things like burning down bridges.

As the saying goes: Good things don’t go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles. Don't make any noise when you do good things, think calmly when you do bad things, and think twice before you act.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

Because it is difficult for a person to have a good reputation. A good reputation is difficult to buy with money. It's easy to get a bad reputation. You only need to do one bad thing to become infamous.

So it is easy to be a bad person. Once you are labeled as a bad person by others, it is difficult to redeem your original good reputation even if you pay a hundred times the price. It is like a mirror. Once it is broken, no matter how well you repair it, it will still have flaws. It is said that a broken mirror cannot be reunited.

The opening chapter of the Three-Character Classic is:

Only behave according to your duties and do things down-to-earth. Integrity is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Let each of us take integrity as the basic moral code and build a social family full of integrity and mutual help. Let China This giant dragon holds its head high and stands forever in the east of the world!

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