Peking University has successively issued admission notices. A pair of twin brothers from Jinan, Shandong Province, were admitted to Peking University through the "Strong Foundation Program" and were admitted to the School of Mathematical Sciences and the School of Physics respec

Peking University has successively issued admission notices . A pair of twin brothers from Jinan, Shandong Province were both admitted to Peking University through the "Strong Foundation Plan" and were admitted to the School of Mathematical Sciences and the School of Physics respectively. In the next four years, they will start a new growth journey together on the shores of Weiming Lake.

As competitive students, the two brothers each have their own interests, strengths, and ambitions.

Brother Lu Zexiu has been fond of mathematics since he was a child. An opportunity made him consider mathematics as his future career. In the eighth grade, he independently previewed the geometry content that he would only learn in the ninth grade. He was walking on the road, thinking about a theorem, and suddenly he proved it.

"That was the first time since I was a child that I could prove something completely independently. I suddenly discovered that mathematics can be proved and that there is absolute logical correctness. From then on, I really fell in love with mathematics." In his opinion , although mathematics is difficult, it is also broad and generous. "After learning mathematics, you will feel the existence of another completely abstract world, which should be very free and wonderful."

Also in the eighth grade, my younger brother Lu Zhengxiu came into contact with After majoring in physics, I became more and more interested in this subject. Regarding the physics competition, what he enjoyed most was the discussions with his classmates and asking his seniors for some interesting questions. He and a classmate were tortured by the problem of phase change and for several days. Finally, they spent an evening self-study time to come up with a formula that could solve all phase change problems within their cognitive scope. At that moment, he obtained An indescribable sense of accomplishment.

The parents of the two brothers are supporters of the competition. Lu Zexiu lamented that as farmers, her parents had to work in the fields all year round. Although their knowledge was not far-reaching, they gave her and her brother the greatest support and gave them the greatest freedom to do what they like. Lu Zhengxiu has always been very grateful to his father for supporting their adventures and communicating with them on an equal footing. Growing up in such a free and tolerant family, the two brothers will move towards a wider world.

Now, the love that lasted throughout their youth has started a new journey in their lives. When the two were asked what they thought about the major they wanted to continue studying at Peking University, their elder brother Lu Zexiu said that he saw a "very free and wonderful world" in mathematics; while his younger brother Lu Zhengxiu joked: "Physics is difficult? No. Right. Compared with the mathematics my brother studied, physics is a very friendly subject! "

Peking University introduced that in 2020, the school responded to the country's major strategic needs and developed it to cultivate students with excellent comprehensive qualities and top-notch basic subjects." The first batch of pilot projects for the “Strong Foundation Plan” is already in its third year.

(Original title: Parents are farmers, twin brothers were selected into the "Strengthening Foundation Program" to enter Peking University this year)

Source: Beijing Daily Client | Intern Reporter He Rui

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