Correspondent Cao Qingping and Li Chen In order to further improve the social practice ability of college students and enhance their simple emotions of knowing, returning to, and loving their hometown, Difeng Street held a launching ceremony for the 2022 summer college students’

Correspondent Cao Qingping Li Chen

In order to further improve the social practice ability of college students and enhance their simple emotions of knowing their hometown, returning home, and loving their hometown, on July 13, Di Feng Street held the 2022 Summer College Students "Return Hometown" Society At the practice launch ceremony, Yang Chen, deputy director of the subdistrict office, Lu Chen, secretary of the subdistrict league working committee, and 10 college students who participated in the "returning home" social practice participated in the event.

Yang Chen conveyed to the college students the importance and practical purpose of carrying out this "returning home" social practice activity, and asked everyone to cherish this practical opportunity, use their own professional advantages, continue to experience and grow in practice, and use full enthusiasm to Do practical things and solve problems for the masses. They must strictly adhere to work disciplines, arrive at work on time, obey arrangements, perform their duties conscientiously and actively with a correct attitude and excellent style, and contribute their youthful strength to the construction of their hometown.

Subsequently, the college students who participated in the launching ceremony introduced themselves and talked about their understanding and feelings about grassroots work.

Finally, Zhang Weiguang read out the job assignments, and the 10 college students who participated in the "returning home" social practice immediately went to their respective positions and officially started the one-month social practice activity.

Di Feng Street Youth League Working Committee will take this event as an opportunity to guide more college students to integrate into society and the grassroots through social practice methods such as "Returning Hometown" and " Three Going to the Countryside", so as to truly understand "from the masses to the countryside" "Go among the masses" means strengthening one's sense of social responsibility and mission, carrying forward the spirit of struggle, realizing one's own value, becoming an aspiring young man, and using the power of youth to embroider the beauty of the times.