Recently, Mei Ke, a college entrance examination student, completed her college entrance examination application form. She chose to major in English and expected to join the diplomatic career after completing her studies. Mei Ke took a photo of her college entrance examination ap

Recently, Mei Ke, a college entrance examination student, completed her college entrance examination application form. She chose to major in English and expected to join the diplomatic career after completing her studies.

Mei Ke took a photo of her college entrance examination application and sent it to a WeChat friend named "My favorite teacher. Zhang". She also sent a photo of a set of tables and chairs with mottled paint, and wrote a message: "Everything about me comes from This set of tables and chairs.”

Her WeChat friend is Zhang Jian, a mathematics teacher at Huangpi District Experimental Primary School. In order to help children with learning difficulties, Zhang Jian bought a set of desks and chairs and moved them into his living room. After school, she often takes her students home and helps them with their homework on a voluntary basis.

html In 2009, more than a hundred students visited Zhang Jian's home and developed good study habits on this set of desks and chairs.

Zhang Jian communicated with graduates via video. Photo by correspondent Wang Lijun

A strong student was helpless and confused

Mei Ke looked through the chat records with Zhang Jian, and the past came to mind.

9 years ago, Mei Ke was a fourth-grade student. She did not complete her homework very well and her math scores were below the class. At that time, she seemed to have no joy in learning to share.

Zhang Jian (right) and Mei Ke. Photo by correspondent Wang Lijun

"I really want to get better, and I also want to be strong, but I can't do some questions and I don't understand some knowledge." During that time, Mei Ke was very confused and didn't know what to do, so she asked some people, She was asked to practice more and review more, but how to practice and how to consolidate the basic knowledge? For a primary school student, there is no good way.

"Primary school students are like saplings. To grow into towering trees, they need to cultivate soil and water. Just abstract lectures or even accusations will not work." This is the law of teaching and the basis of all Zhang Jian's teaching.

Brown tables and chairs moved into Zhang Jian's home

The smile returned to Mei Ke's face because Zhang Jian became her math teacher.

loves to laugh, and his eyes will always narrow when he sees students; patient, even if a student does not understand in class, he is willing to teach it again; erudite, having multiple solutions to one question, and solving multiple questions with one solution. Zhang Jian's friendliness made Mei Ke feel inexplicably fond of the new math teacher, and she offered to be the math class representative.

class representatives are often served by students with excellent academic performance. They not only need to help teachers complete teaching, but also provide academic assistance to other students. It is not common for students with learning difficulties to apply to serve as class representatives, but Zhang Jian readily agreed.

On the day when Mei Ke became the math class representative, Zhang Jian bought a brand new set of brown tables and chairs and put them in his living room. The next day, Zhang Jian gave Mei Ke the first task: to go home with him to do homework after school in the afternoon.

It was the first time for both of them that students went to the teacher's home to do homework, but this was something Zhang Jian had thought about after many years of teaching.

She believes that in this way, we can see the deficiencies in students' learning behavior and understand the differences in students' knowledge. From teaching in 1998 to 2013, her 15 years of teaching made her understand that it is equally important to get close to students yourself as it is to let students get close to you.

Defeat the "Stumbling Block" in Mathematics in 10 Days

To this day, Mei Ke still remembers the feeling of going to Zhang Jian's home to do homework for the first time. Nervous heart, trembling hands, sit upright, calculate carefully, and ask if you don’t understand. Although nervous, with behavioral restraints, Mei Ke concentrated all her energy. The homework that day went particularly smoothly and took less time than usual.

After finishing his homework, Zhang Jian took Mei Ke to review the existing problems again and corrected the wrong questions. Zhang Jian also helped Mei Ke summarize learning methods and , and encouraged her to overcome difficulties. After the homework was done and the lights were on, Mei Ke took the food rewarded by Teacher Zhang and was sent back to school by Zhang Jian, and then picked up by his parents.

It was still the same on the second day, the third day... and the tenth day. In the process of completing the homework, Mei Ke mastered the learning method, and the "stumbling block" of mathematics quietly receded.

10 days later, Mei Ke no longer needed to go to Zhang Jian's home to complete her homework. She had made up for her shortcomings in knowledge, mastered learning methods, and gradually developed good study habits. More importantly, after personal experience, Mei did not believe that there were tasks that could not be completed or difficulties that could not be overcome. Later, Mei Ke was admitted to Huangpi No. 1 Middle School of Wuhan Pilot School.

At 18:00 on June 9, 2022, Zhang Jian came to the college entrance examination room and sent Mei Ke into the examination room.The college entrance examination results were announced, and Mei Ke exceeded the undergraduate special admissions limit by 24 points.

html In 2009, Zhang Jian insisted on lighting up the students.

Zhang Jian was tutoring students. Photo by correspondent Wang Lijun

Zhang Jian has persisted in allowing those who have temporary learning difficulties to do homework at home for 9 years. More than a hundred students have visited Zhang Jian's home, completed their homework, received tutoring, and sat on this set of desks and chairs to write intensively.

In July 2020, Hu Zhenghao, a recent graduate of Huangpi District Experimental Primary School, took the initiative to go to Zhang Jian’s home to see the tables and chairs he used, and presented Zhang Jian with a banner of “meticulous in teaching and meticulous in solving doubts.” The brown tables and chairs witnessed his Change allows him to master the method of learning and benefit from it throughout his life.

In June 2022, Xiaowei (pseudonym) from the class Zhang Jian currently teaches followed Zhang Jian home, sat on a brown desk and chair, and began to complete homework and review lessons. Nine years have passed, and the once brand-new brown desks and chairs have become different shades of color, and the table tops are also somewhat sunken. Zhang Jian thought about replacing this set of tables and chairs, but the students collectively opposed it.

For graduating students such as Mei Ke, this set of desks and chairs has witnessed their growth process and preserved their stories of getting along with Zhang Jian; for current students such as Xiao Wei, they do not want teachers to spend money on them anymore .

The "ding" sound on the phone sounded, and Zhang Jian replied to Mei Ke, agreeing to send her to college. At the same time, he left a message: "May your Yingying light join other children to form a bright galaxy for the nation!"

Source :Changjiang Daily