In my sophomore year, I transferred from the non-normal major of East China Normal University to Meng Xiancheng College and became a public-funded normal student. When I was applying for a job in my senior year, I could have tried to teach in a better provincial capital city, but

In my sophomore year, I transferred from East China Normal University non-teaching major to Meng Xiancheng College and became a public-funded normal student.

When I was applying for a job in my senior year, I could have tried to teach in a better provincial capital city, but I still chose the county-level high school in my hometown. Because my hometown needs me more.

My name is Wang Bingbing, born in 2001. I believe that wherever I am needed, there will be a bigger stage.

From switching to a normal major to returning to my hometown to teach

My hometown is Jingning County, Pingliang City, located in the central part of Gansu Province. Although the county has developed in recent years, it is still relatively slow compared to other provincial capitals and first- and second-tier cities. There are very few college students who go back to their alma mater or to work at the grassroots level in their hometown, but I chose to work back in my hometown without any hesitation.

After the college entrance examination in 2018, I applied for all normal colleges, but the batch was mistakenly filled in as undergraduate batch and was admitted to non-normal colleges in physics, while the public-funded normal colleges were admitted in advance for undergraduates.

Therefore, in the 2018-2020 school year, I studied in the elite class of the School of Physics and Electronic Science. The elite class focused on scientific research training. At that time, on the one hand, I was more interested in the curriculum planning and scientific research courses of the elite class. On the other hand, I was more interested in the teacher training. Due to lack of understanding, he has not transferred to normal school for a long time.

At the end of my sophomore year, I thought about it over and over again. In addition, my parents always expected me to be a teacher, and finally I became a normal student in the second semester of my sophomore year.

I think my choice is correct and very meaningful.

During my internship in the second semester of my junior year, I interned at Lanzhou Foreign Languages ​​Senior High School. During the National Day holiday, all eight of our interns went back to their hometowns. On the second day of the holiday, I went for a walk and walked around my alma mater, No. 1 Middle School of Jingning County, Gansu Province.

Looking at the familiar campus, memories come to mind.

At that time, Lanzhou had been unable to start recruitment. I thought that although my alma mater is located in a small county town, the school has a long history and a beautiful environment. The most important thing is that it stores my three years of high school.

How lucky I would be if I could go back to work at my alma mater!

So, I decided to go to the principal for an interview, and the eagerness and welcome from the teachers at my alma mater strengthened my determination.

After the trial lecture, the principal also commented on my class. Some words I will never forget: "We very much welcome the outstanding students from No. 1 Middle School to come back. Physics teachers are in short supply. After you come back, No. 1 Middle School has added another general!"

After that, I never thought about applying for a job in Lanzhou again.

I am that "returning goose"

Maybe I have had the idea of ​​returning to my hometown to teach since my third year of high school. At that time, a senior from my high school alma mater who was admitted to Tsinghua with high scores returned to his alma mater to preach about the major he chose in college. It is energy and environmental engineering because he is very concerned about the ecological environment and energy shortage in his hometown.

That lecture was so important in inspiring my lofty ideals.

seniors have used their holidays to return to their alma mater many times to teach and give lectures. So, I decided to apply for a normal college after the college entrance examination, and was fortunate enough to become a student at East China Normal University.

During the four years, I remember to be responsible for my own choices, study hard, and study hard. I kept my high school habit and stayed in the library until closing at 10 o'clock. During this period, I also participated in scientific research competitions many times. Because only by studying well can one be a teacher, and only by being "realistic and creative" can one be "a teacher by example". In college, I also won various honors such as national scholarship .

Last year, I saw the "Guiyan Project" launched in my hometown, which aims to encourage and call on foreigners to return to their hometowns to shine, start businesses in their hometowns, contribute to their hometowns, and show their wisdom. Since we want to bring glory to our hometown and tell the story of our hometown well, we, the younger generation of college students, need to take action.

I am willing to spend my youth on basic education in my hometown. During the summer vacation before September, I will carefully organize the teaching design for the first year of high school physics in the new semester on the basis of completing the entry procedures. I look forward to integrating into the teaching work as soon as possible and meeting my first batch of students.

source | Youth Daily

reporter | Liu Xinlu

editor | Wu Xiaolan

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