Qinghai News Network·Damei Qinghai Client (reported by reporter Bao Tuoye) On July 1, the province’s patriotic education base commentator’s theme speech contest of “Telling Red Stories and Praising Family and Country” concluded successfully.

Qinghai News Network·Damei Qinghai Client News (Reported by Bao Tuoye ) On July 1, the province’s patriotic education base commentator’s theme speech contest of “Telling Red Stories and Praising Family and Country” concluded successfully. The

competition aims to deeply explore the patriotism spirit connotation, give full play to the role of patriotic education bases at all levels in cultivating and practicing socialist core values, and strive to create a team of commentators with strong politics, excellent work style, and superb professional skills. Promote training, improve quality through competition, strengthen learning and exchanges, effectively practice internal skills, improve quality, display image, spread the story of Qinghai, and promote patriotism. Wu Xuwei, a judge of the

competition, said that the contestants closely followed the theme of "telling red stories and praising the feelings of the family and the country", focusing on the brilliant achievements of the party and the country in various undertakings, and the tremendous changes that have taken place in the work and life of ordinary people. "The touching story of struggling to achieve the established goals and tasks, using small things to see the big things, highlighting the highlights, the topic selection is close to the masses, the material comes from the front line, and the content is vivid and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Qinghai Provincial Museum contestant Wang Xuanru tells the touching story of academician Wu Tianyi, an expert in plateau medicine. She said that after learning about the story behind Academician Wu Tianyi's research on plateau medicine, she was not only moved but also admired. For more than 60 years, he has integrated his life and passion into the vast Tibetan Plateau. , we must learn this spirit and work hard in the future! Liang Tian, ​​a contestant from the Guide County Taxation Bureau, gave a speech entitled "The road ahead is long and we must strive for self-improvement." It mainly told the story of Zhong Yongyan and Zhong Yongqing from Huzhu County, Qinghai Province during the Anti-Japanese War. Zhong Yongyan was the first pilot in Qinghai with outstanding military exploits. He was also one of the survivors of the Chinese Air Force eight-year air battle against Japan; his younger brother Zhong Yongqing was appointed as the independent battalion commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Force to Myanmar. During the Japanese War of Resistance, he died on the battlefield and died for his country. Liang Tian said that by sharing their stories, he hopes that contemporary young people will not forget the national humiliation, work hard, and have the courage to live like ants and have the ambition of a swan.

This event is hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and organized by Qinghai Tibetan Culture Museum . After fierce competition, contestant Wen Dexiong from the Qinghai Tibetan Medicine Culture Museum stood out from 36 contestants and won the first prize; He Hong, a contestant from the Mangya City Culture and Tourism Bureau in Haixi Prefecture, and the people of Shishi Town, Huzhu County, Haidong City Government contestant Li Wei won the second prize; Qinghai Provincial Museum contestants Liu Siyu, Chen Rui and Wang Xuanru won the third prize.