#生死世,What truth have you realized#​Continue to read today, I hope you will persevere every day! Make small but daily progress! In front of Westminster Abbey in England, there is a thought-provoking epitaph engraved: “When I was young, I dreamed of changing the world, but as I ent

I will continue to read today, I hope I can persist every day! Make small but daily progress!

In front of Westminster Abbey in the UK, there is a thought-provoking epitaph engraved:

"When I was young, I dreamed of changing the world, but when I entered my twilight years, I could not even do anything about my own family.

In the end, I lay in bed and realized that if I will start by changing myself, and I can change my family;

With the help of my family, I may do something for the country, and maybe I can really change the world.”

Change yourself starting now. , no longer aim too high, be down-to-earth and be yourself!

This reminds me of the famous wrestling athlete Ya Kalonen.

In 1988, Jakaronen was seriously injured during a game and was paralyzed in bed.

After being injured, Jakaronen refused to receive treatment because he was afraid that an incomplete rehabilitation program would prevent him from ever returning to the game.

He consulted dozens of well-known doctors and collected nearly a hundred rehabilitation plans.

A month later, Ya Kalonen still did not start rehabilitation treatment, but was on the verge of collapse in the struggle.

Until the mother who took care of him was diagnosed with esophageal cancer , Ya Kalonen was no longer obsessed with returning to the game, but reduced his goal to quickly regaining his ability to take care of himself.

Through rehabilitation treatment, he was soon able to move freely with the help of crutches. At this time, he said to himself: Maybe I can go one step further and throw away the crutches.

Just like this, every time he makes a little progress, he will set goals for the next stage and always keep himself on the road to recovery.

3 years later, A. Kalonen participated in a wrestling match, nine months earlier than the estimated recovery time of the best plan.

Sometimes changes really require someone or power behind you to push you, otherwise you will always be hesitant.

Sometimes, we are too obsessed with the perfection of the results and are afraid of disappointment, so we refuse to start everything! Really powerful people never hesitate to wait until conditions are ripe before taking action!

If you want to become a river or a sea, you must first join the small streams; if you want to reach a thousand miles, you must first accumulate small steps!

As Bacon said to his students:

"If there is any so-called optimal solution, it is 'start now'! Start with what you can do and don't delay for a moment."

Think, it's all a problem ; Do it and you will have the answer.

When you no longer worry about gains and losses, every glimmer of light you pick up in your actions will converge into the highlight of your life at an unexpected time.

Meyer once explained the "5 Second Rule":

"Act immediately after counting down for 5 seconds, which means not giving time for fear, hesitation, inertia and other emotions to react.

Only by freeing ourselves from these negative emotions can we truly Become your own master. "

When you no longer worry about gains and losses, every glimmer of light in all your actions will come together at an unexpected time. It will become the height of your life and give back to you in unexpected ways. Start doing what you want to do now, and everything you want will come to you!