On July 1, Xiangxi Prefecture Nationalities Middle School held a national unity and progress moral lecture event to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and "welcome the 20th National Congress, forge ahead on a new journey, and build a s

Red Net Moment News July 2nd (Correspondent Liu Yali and Liu Na) On July 1st, Xiangxi Prefecture Nationalities Middle School held a ceremony to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and "Welcome the 20th National Congress and forge ahead on a new journey to build a solid community of the Chinese nation Awareness" National Unity and Progress Moral Lecture Activity. All party members, teachers and some student volunteers participated.

The event kicked off with the solemn national anthem. On behalf of the school party committee, Zheng Yingbin, secretary of the

Party Committee, expressed congratulations to the commended groups and individuals, and extended holiday greetings and high respect to the hard-working party members and teachers! He briefly reviewed the glorious and extraordinary 101-year history of the Communist Party of China, emphasizing that the ancestors used their blood and lives to compose moving songs of righteousness and national songs. The Communist Party of China deserves to be a great, glorious and correct party. party. He summarized the school’s party building work in the 2021-2022 school year, pointing out that with the care and support of the state committee, state government and superior departments, the school’s party committee plays a prominent political core role, the school’s party and government are united, and all work has achieved new developments. He sent a message to all party members and teachers to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, strengthen their political responsibilities, fully implement the party's education policy, implement the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating people, vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, hold high the banner of unity, and adhere to the mission of educating people for the party and educating talents for the country. , forge ahead, pioneer and innovate, accelerate the construction of the school into a famous Sanxiang school with distinctive national characteristics, and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical results!

This event has a total of seven chapters: "reciting classics, watching videos, learning from role models, telling stories, reviewing oaths, commending advanced people, and singing songs". The entire event closely follows important contents such as consolidating the results of party history study and education, education on national unity and progress, and forging a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community. Through people around us talking about things around us, we can understand the spirit of party building, build consensus on the national spirit, and guide all teachers and students to learn party history. , know the Party's kindness, listen to the Party's words, and follow the Party, constantly build a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community, and contribute to the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party.

Reciting Red Classics and Inheriting Red Genes

Teachers and members of Rongjiang Party Branch recited the poem "The Chinese Dream of National Unity" affectionately, expressing their deep and passionate love for the great motherland and praising the deep friendship of national unity.

Watch a video to understand the national spirit

All participants watched the Xiangxi Prefecture national unity propaganda video. The video uses vivid words and pictures to describe the beautiful scenes of all ethnic groups helping each other and uniting as one, allowing everyone to deeply understand that the unity and progress of all ethnic groups is the life, strength and hope of the Chinese nation.

Learn from exemplary deeds and talk about original aspirations.

During the activity, outstanding Communist Party members Dong Jie, Shi Tao, and Peng Yajun shared the advanced deeds of Party members and typical examples of Party members around them, and discussed in detail what Party members and comrades should do in actual work and life based on their own actual conditions. Establish correct ideals and beliefs, and how to give full play to the pioneering and exemplary role of our party members.

Telling the National Story and Promoting National Unity

Yang Yawen, a classmate of Class 2013, centered on the theme of "Staying in the same boat and helping each other", using vivid language and sincere emotions to tell a touching story of the unity and mutual help of the Chinese nation. The touching words and loving stories express the deep friendship between all ethnic groups that share the same breath, destiny and heart-to-heart.

Review the oath of joining the party Always maintain the original intention and mission

In the "Revisit the oath of joining the party" session, all party members solemnly swore to the party organization with great reverence, expressing the belief and determination of education workers in the new era to forge ahead. .

Commend a group of advanced grassroots party organizations, outstanding party workers and outstanding Communist Party members in the state direct education system for 2021-2022. "Notice", the Communist Party of China Xiangxi Prefecture National Middle School Committee's "Decision on Commending Outstanding Communist Party Members and Outstanding Party Workers in 2021". Zheng Yingbin, Secretary of the Party Committee, awarded commemorative medals of "50 Years of Glorious Service to the Party" to veteran party members. The leaders present at the meeting issued honorary certificates to the commended party organizations and individuals.Encourage the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen their beliefs, forge ahead in unity, stay committed to their posts, shoulder heavy responsibilities bravely, and work hard to achieve high-quality development of the school.

Sing a song of unity and compose a new chapter of development

At the end of the event, everyone in the audience waved national flags and sang "Love Me China" in unison, expressing their blessings to the party with songs filled with patriotic sentiments.

This moral lecture activity is rich in content and flexible in form. Everyone said that in the future work and life, they will adhere to the original intention of cultivating people with morality, keep in mind the mission of educating people for the party and educating talents for the country, draw strength from the party history, continuously improve teachers’ ability to educate people, and cultivate moral and intellectual talents. Socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of body, art, and labor will make new and greater contributions and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results!