On the morning of June 29, Xianguan Community, Nanguan Street, Weicheng District, carried out educational practice activities with the theme of "Twenty Gifts to Youth for Forging ahead and Keeping the Original Aspiration", uniting and leading the majority of young people to firml

On the morning of June 29, Xianguan Community, Nanguan Street, Weicheng District, carried out an educational practice activity with the theme of "Twenty Gifts to Youth for Forging ahead and Keeping the Original Aspiration", uniting and leading the majority of young people to firmly follow the Party, make contributions in the new era, and practice " Please rest assured that the party, a strong country will have my youthful oath.

Carry out volunteer services and participate in the creation of civilization. Volunteers took cleaning tools to clean the environmental sanitation of the community and clean up dead spots. At the same time, they picked up garbage along the grass and green belts and removed small advertisements; they organized students to visit the Xinanguan Community Cultural Corridor to appreciate the No. 1 Scholar culture. Feel cultural confidence.

carries out reading activities that infiltrate children's hearts. At the activity site, the children chose their favorite books, sat around with volunteers, read attentively, exchanged experiences, and carried out drowning prevention safety education. Volunteers from the School of Life Science and Technology of Weifang Medical College conducted a wonderful anti-drowning safety education and training class for primary and secondary school students, allowing students to realize the importance of preventing drowning, learn self-protection and rescue methods, and further enhance their safety Precautionary awareness.

Weifang Daily All-Media Reporter: Liu Xiaojie/Text and Pictures