Student article: Summer vacation is a period of high incidence of drowning incidents. Every year during summer vacation, drowning incidents occur frequently across the country. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, more than 370,000 people die from drowning

Student article:

Summer vacation is a period of high incidence of drowning incidents. Every year during summer vacation, drowning incidents occur frequently across the country. According to World Health Organization statistics, more than 370,000 people die from drowning every year in the world, and about 57,000 people die from drowning in my country every year. Death by drowning. Frequent drowning threatens the lives of children, so it is urgent to protect lives and prevent drowning.

For all accidents, prevention is the first priority. As the summer vacation approaches, in order to effectively prevent student drowning incidents and focus on "drown prevention", parents, schools, and students need to jointly pay attention to improve safety awareness and capabilities, do a good job in safety relay, and effectively reduce the occurrence of accidents.

This issue of anti-drowning safety education is divided into "students", "parents" and "schools".

Relay: "Students" "Please remember the "Six Don'ts""

["Six Don'ts" to prevent drowning]

1. Do not swim in the water without permission.

2. It is not allowed to swim with others without permission.

3. Swimming without the guidance of parents or teachers is not allowed.

4. It is not allowed to swim in unfamiliar waters.

5. Students who do not know the nature of water are not allowed to go into the water to rescue without permission.

6. It is not allowed to swim in waters without safety facilities or rescue personnel.

[What are the dangerous waters]

1. pond

2. reservoir

3. river ditch

4. Deep pool on the construction site

5. Artificial lake in the park

6. Other unknown waters

[Common knowledge on preventing drowning 】

1. Swimming should be carried out in a safe swimming area. Swimming in non-swimming areas is strictly prohibited. Swimmers should choose an area where they are familiar with underwater conditions.

2. Before swimming, you should do warm-up exercises, fully move your joints, and relax your muscles to avoid cramps, sprains and other accidents after entering the water.

3. Do not dive from high places to avoid hitting hard objects. Do not make fools, play pranks, press down on your companions, pull them deep, or dive to "sneak attack" your companions.

4. People who cannot swim must not play alone by the water; do not go into the water alone without the company of someone who can swim. It is best to be led by a safety officer. Swimming time should not be too long. After 20-30 minutes, you should go ashore and take a short rest.

[Common sense about self-rescue methods]

1. Self-rescue methods for people who are not familiar with water-based methods

Drowning people should not panic. They should stay calm and actively save themselves. Inhaling through the nose when swimming is the most likely to cause choking. If you choke on water, you must first open your mouth wide and take a deep breath. Even if you drink a few sips of water, you must open your mouth wide and do not inhale through your nose.

2. Self-rescue method for fatigue

In addition to calling for help, lie on your back with your head backward so that your nose can be exposed to the water for breathing. The exhalation should be shallow and the inhalation should be deep. When you take a deep breath, the specific gravity of the human body drops to slightly lighter than water, and you can surface. At this time, do not raise your arms and flutter around, as this will sink faster.

3. Self-rescue methods for cramps in water

If cramps occur while swimming, do not panic. You must stay calm, stop swimming, take a breath first, float on your back, and use different methods to save yourself according to different parts.

After cramping, use another swimming style to swim back to the shore to prevent cramping again.

4. Save your strength and call for help in time when you encounter danger.

[What to do if your companion falls into the water]

If you encounter a companion who falls into the water, you must not blindly go into the water to save the person or hold hands to save the person. Instead, you should shout for help and seek help from an adult in time. This is the way with the highest success rate of rescue. This is the real Helping companions. Never think that if you don't jump in to save your companion when he falls into the water, you are not a friend enough.

It’s not your fault that you can’t save your companion. You must not hide it out of fear, resulting in not calling the police or letting adults know in time, which wastes precious rescue time.

[Correct rescue time in mind]

1. If you encounter someone drowning, don’t panic. Call loudly as soon as possible, ask for help from an adult, and dial 110 to call the police. If there are multiple companions together, send one person to seek help from an adult.

2. Look for floating objects around you and throw them to the drowning person, such as life buoys, wooden boards, etc.; if there are no floating objects, you can also fill your schoolbag with mineral water bottles and throw them to the drowning person.

3. Find bamboo poles, branches, etc. and hand them to the person who fell into the water. You can also tie your clothes into knots and throw them to the person who fell into the water. When rescuing people, you should lie on the ground and lower your center of gravity to avoid being pulled into the water.

4. Do not jump directly into the water to rescue. Minors do not have enough ability to go into the water to rescue drowning people to avoid the tragedy of mass death and injury.

5. cannot hold hands to rescue. People who fall into the water are extremely strong. If they are not careful, they will be pulled into the water, causing the tragedy of serial drowning.