Hello, dear students, today, Teacher Xiao Ren will continue to provide in-depth analysis of postgraduate majors for students taking the postgraduate entrance examination on 23 and 24, including the basic catalog of majors, employment directions, college rankings and core factors

Hello everyone, today Teacher Xiao Ren will continue to provide in-depth analysis of postgraduate majors for students taking the postgraduate entrance examination on 23 and 24, including the basic catalog of majors, employment directions, college rankings and core factors affecting the postgraduate entrance examination. I hope students will pay more attention to it. .

What we bring to you today is an in-depth analysis of materials science and engineering .

Catalog of Disciplines and Majors

Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering and Employment Directions

Materials Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary major involving materials science, engineering and chemistry.

This major is based on materials science, chemistry, and physics. It mainly studies material composition, structure, processing technology, and its properties and applications.

Graduates of this major can engage in related jobs in building decoration materials companies, petrochemical companies, aerospace companies, automobile factories, etc. They can also go to universities and scientific research units to engage in scientific research and teaching, and can also go to government departments to engage in administrative management, Quality supervision and other work.

Ranking of Materials Science and Engineering Colleges

Difficulty echelon of Materials Science and Engineering Colleges

Materials Science and Engineering Major Admission Analysis

Materials Science and Engineering Major Postgraduate Entrance Examination Target Score

2021 Zhejiang University Master’s Degree Applicants and Admission Number Statistics

20 21Dalian University of Technology Master’s Degree Application Statistics on the number of admissions

2021 Statistics on the number of admissions for Shanghai University master's students