Important notice: Online registration for public primary schools in the 2022 compulsory education stage in urban Hefei City will start at 9:00 am on July 4. Online registration for public junior high schools (individual registration) will start at 9:00 am on July 8. Released by t

Important notice

Hefei urban area 2022 compulsory education stage

Online registration for public primary schools

will start at 9:00 am on July 4

Online registration for public junior high schools (separate registration)

will be on July 8th at 9:00 am Start

Hefei Municipal Education Bureau released information and answers

Hefei City Urban Compulsory Education Stage in 2022

Public schools Admissions online registration

Hot issues related to work



"young children" who meet the "two consistent" conditions How do residents’ children who are going to primary school register online for public primary schools?

Public school admissions in 2022 will continue to implement the "two consistency" method, that is: the household registration of school-age children and adolescents is consistent with the household registration of their parents (both or one party) or other legal guardians and they have separate households; the household registration address of school-age children and adolescents is consistent with that of their parents (both parties or one party) ) or other legal guardian’s independent property address is consistent. School-age children and adolescents who meet the "two unanimities" shall enroll in schools in the school district where their household registration is located.

Children of residents who meet the "two consistent" conditions for "Kindergarten to Primary School" can enroll in the school through the online registration system within the specified time, through "online registration and admission, or online appointment and offline review and admission". If the elderly or other special circumstances are unable to register or make an appointment online, they can go directly to the designated location to review materials without registering or making an appointment online.

registration time: 9:00 on July 4 to 17:00 on July 7.

The school will conduct an online review within the specified time. Those who pass the online review will indicate successful registration, and parents do not need to go to the school for offline review. If the school’s online review finds that further relevant materials are needed, the school will notify parents to supplement the relevant materials. Parents please pay attention to the "My Registration" information in time.


How can the children of residents who meet the "two consistent" conditions of "primary school to junior high school" register for public junior high schools online?

Resident children of local primary schools who meet the "two consistent" conditions for "primary to junior high school" can register directly from the primary school where they attend, and parents do not need to register online. After the junior high school has approved the admission, it will be entered into the online registration system and parents of the students will be notified in a timely manner.

Students who study in primary schools in other places and return to their place of residence to register independently must register for public schools online within the specified time.

registration time: 9:00 on July 8 to 17:00 on July 9.


What are the reservation objects, time and methods for "online reservation and offline review and admission"?

There are two types of reservation targets: one is the children of residents whose household registration and real estate address are inconsistent. The online reservation time is from 9:00 on July 4 to 12:00 on July 7 (offline review ends at 17:00 on July 7);

Second, for children of residents whose residence permit has been valid for more than half a year, the online appointment time is from 9:00 on July 22 to 12:00 on the 23rd (offline review ends at 17:00 on July 23).

and above school-age children can make an appointment for offline review time through the online registration system, and bring relevant materials to the designated location of the school or education authority for offline review within the appointment time. Those who pass the review will be entered into the system by the enrollment school or education authority. . If

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meet the conditions for online registration, are they all required to register online?

is not. School-age children and adolescents who are eligible for online registration, but whose family members cannot operate or are inconvenient to operate online, can go directly to the designated location to submit review materials at the specified time, and the admissions staff will implement the online registration on their behalf.

Students entering seventh grade who have registered collectively at primary school graduation schools do not need to register online. After being reviewed and approved by the enrolling school, they will be entered into the online registration system and parents will be notified in a timely manner.

Children and adolescents with disabilities, children of persons receiving preferential policies, and other children and adolescents are required to attend school in accordance with relevant policies, regulations and procedures, and do not need to register online or make an appointment.


The child’s household registration is the same as the mother’s, and the property rights are owned by the father. How can I register or make an appointment online?

Due to system function settings, the above situations that comply with the "two consistency" policies must make an appointment through "online appointment" and then go to the designated location to review the materials.

Another example: if the property rights of a family of school-age children and teenagers are shared by their parents, they must also make an appointment through "online appointment" and then go to a designated location to review the materials.


My child is not over 6 years old. Can I register or make an appointment online?

is not possible. According to regulations, in principle, the primary school entrance age requirement is to be 6 years old or above by August 31, 2022. The online registration system does not accept online registration or reservation from families with children born after August 31, 2016.


Can other grades or transfer students register or make an appointment in the online registration system?

is not possible. This system is only suitable for first-year and seventh-year students to register or make reservations. For other grades or transfer students, please contact the relevant school or the local education authority offline.


What are the login methods for the online registration system?

Method 1: Computer. Enter the corresponding interface in "Hefei Education Bureau" ( and "Hefei Education Cloud Platform" (

Method 2: Mobile version. Android phone users can search for " Wan Shi Tong " or " Hefei Tong " in various app stores and Apple phone users can download and install it. The registration system paths are "Wan Shi Tong - Hefei Branch" - "Elementary and Junior High School Registration". ” or “Hefei Tong-Social Comprehensive Service Platform”-“Registration for Primary and Junior High Schools”.


Is it true that the earlier you register or make an appointment online, the sooner your admission will be confirmed?

is not. Online registration or appointment time has no connection with whether admission is confirmed. As long as you meet the admission requirements, you can register within the specified time. Parents can register and make reservations during the online registration peak period. Where are the specific offline review locations for

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? What materials are needed?

For details, please refer to the relevant district’s 2022 compulsory education enrollment implementation plan. Parents can check on the official website of the relevant district education department.


Can a student register for two or more public schools at the same time?

A student can only register for one school. If the registration is successful, repeated registration is not allowed. Students who have been admitted to private schools cannot register for public schools.


How can the children of residents who were “promoted from primary school to junior high school” who were not admitted by lottery to private schools return to public schools to register?

Students who have registered collectively in local primary schools do not need to register again. Those who attend primary schools in other places can register at the public school in the original school district or at the registration point designated by the local education department at the specified time.

Source: Hefei Education Bureau released