Commemorative medals of "50 Years of Glorious Service in the Party" will be awarded to party members who have reached 50 years of party experience and have consistently performed well. Red Net Moment Hengyang, July 1st (correspondent Liu Nina Shuxia, reporter Wang Min) On the mor

awards commemorative medals of "50 Years of Glorious Service to the Party" to party members who have reached 50 years of party experience and have consistently performed well.

Red Network Moment Hengyang July 1st (Correspondent Liu Nina Shuxia, Reporter Wang Min) On the morning of July 1st, Shigu District Education System organized the "July 1" Conference and Party Group at Huayao Primary School in Shigu District The secretary gave a party class and more than 100 party member representatives attended the meeting. The

meeting invited party members with 50 years of party experience and consistent good performance, and held a solemn and simple ceremony to award them commemorative medals of "50 Years of Glorious Service in the Party" to thank them for their continued contribution to the party's cause.

At the meeting, the "Education Bureau Small Forum" also kicked off. The Party Secretary of the Shigu District Education Bureau gave lectures to the participating party members on the theme of "promoting teachers' morality, setting standards, and leading teachers to keep their original aspirations." The class emphasized the importance of teachers The significance and requirements of the construction of moral ethics among teachers were analyzed, and three suggestions were put forward. The first is to be proficient in the profession, cultivate moral conduct, and be a "pioneer" in preaching, teaching, and solving doubts; the second is to be a scholar by speaking one's words. Be a role model for the world, and serve as a "guide" in learning, doing things, and being a person; thirdly, establish rules and regulations, encourage and restrain, and forge and cultivate the "main force" of new people of the era.

Party members participating in the meeting said that they should use the original intention and mission of teachers as self-motivation, and use the suggestions of the party secretary as methods to become good teachers with the "four qualities" of ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge, and benevolence.