More than 60 years ago, a group of teachers and students from Jiaotong University with patriotic aspirations resolutely responded to the call of the party and the country, packed up their backpacks and set out, moving from the banks of the Huangpu River to the banks of the Weishu

More than 60 years ago, a group of teachers and students from Jiaotong University with patriotic aspirations resolutely responded to the call of the party and the country, packed up their backpacks and set off, moving from the banks of the Huangpu River to the banks of the Weishui River, overcoming obstacles and serving the country through academic studies. . In the process of Jiaotong University's westward migration to , countless evocative deeds have created the monument of " the spirit of moving westward". On July 1, in order to inherit the spirit of westward migration, the Jiaotong University's westward migration exhibition was displayed at the Quanzhou Museum in Fujian.

This exhibition uses photos, written materials and twenty oil paintings carefully created by alumnus Li Wei for the sages who moved westward. It reviews the history of Jiaotong University's struggle to move from Shanghai to Xi'an in the 1950s in response to the country's call. . The oil paintings on display embodies the life stories of many sages who moved to the west, fully demonstrating the connotation of "keeping the overall situation in mind, selfless dedication, carrying forward traditions, and hard work", with patriotism as the core, and "listening to the party's command and following the party's instructions" as the connotation. "Go" is the essence of the "Westward Spirit".

On September 29, 2021, the "Westward Spirit" was included in the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists for the first time by the Central Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Together with the Yan'an Spirit during the revolutionary period and the Daqing Spirit during the socialist construction period, it became the first A glorious page in the glorious chapter of the great spiritual pedigree.

Quanzhou is not only one of the starting points of the Maritime Silk Road, but also the birthplace of the "Jinjiang Experience", a model of China's county economic development. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the "Jinjiang Experience". On this occasion, the Westward Migration Exhibition was held in Quanzhou, which not only reflected the magnificent entrepreneurial history and brilliant achievements of the Westward movers, but also publicized and carried forward the Westward spirit of "listening to the party's command and following the Party" "It will also greatly enhance the exchanges and cooperation between Quanzhou and the five Jiaotong University with the same roots in scientific research, achievement transformation, talent training, etc., attract more Jiaotong University talents to pay attention to Quanzhou and take root in Quanzhou, and help Quanzhou's private economic transformation and upgrading. We believe that inspired by the spirit of moving to the west and guided by the experience of Jinjiang , Quanzhou will definitely develop faster and better, and reach new heights!

Cheng Jin, Propaganda Minister of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University, delivered an online speech, pointing out that our promotion and promotion of the "Westward Spirit" has profound practical and historical significance. No matter where they are, the people of Jiaotong University have the spiritual strength of "minding the overall situation, selfless dedication, carrying forward traditions, and working hard to start a business" in their bones. No matter in which era, they can make solid contributions to their posts and make due contributions to the development of local society. contribute. Quanzhou and Xi'an have many similarities. The two cities are the starting points of the Maritime Silk Road and the Overland Silk Road respectively. They are both among the first batch of historical and cultural cities in the country. Their city area and population are almost the same. The cultural differences between the ocean and the land enable us to complement each other very well. We also hope that through this exhibition, we can deepen the cooperation and exchanges between Xi'an Jiaotong University and Quanzhou, and reach a common understanding through the efforts of the alumni. win.

Former Xi'an Jiaotong University Party Committee Secretary Fu President and Dean Qiu Jin of the Quanzhou Wujiao Science and Technology Industry Research Institute said that Xi'an Jiaotong University currently has more than 5,000 alumni in Fujian. It is hoped that through this exhibition, Jiaotong University alumni can relive their alma mater time, and also Let more people understand and inherit the "Westward Spirit", and use this to build a new platform for exchanges and cooperation among Jiaotong University alumni in Quanzhou, actively "introducing intelligence" to Quanzhou's private economy and even social development, and "strengthening industry," for Quanzhou The two-wheel drive of "prospering the city" contributes to Jiaotong University.

It is reported that this exhibition will be on display until July 18th.