On June 29, Lirang Town, Liangping District, Chongqing held the "Dancing with Grass and Dragons to Celebrate the Harvest" intangible cultural heritage event. In the rhythm of the music, He Zhican, a national outstanding cultural volunteer, led the junior middle school students to

html On June 29, Lirang Town, Liangping District, Chongqing held the "Dancing with Grass and Dragons to Celebrate the Harvest" intangible cultural heritage event. In the rhythm of the music, He Zhican, a national outstanding cultural volunteer, led the junior middle school students to dance gracefully. The dragon on the grass sometimes circled and soared, and sometimes teased the crowd. The dragon and the people formed a perfect interaction and combination.

The surrounding people sprinkled water on the dragon's body frequently, praying for good weather and abundant harvests. The joyful and enthusiastic scene expressed the people's good mood of celebrating the harvest happily.

It is understood that Lirang Town, Liangping District, Chongqing City is the hometown of Chinese folk culture and art.

Courtesy junior high school students are dancing on the grass.

The Courtesy Town Cao Balong is a municipal intangible cultural heritage of Chongqing. The entire dragon is made of bundles of straw. During festivals and harvest seasons, local people gather on the streets and in courtyards to dance dragons and splash water to their heart's content. It expresses the beautiful mood of abundant harvest, happiness and health, joy and peace.

Upstream news photographer Liu Hui Photography report

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