Did you watch the public cloud live broadcast of Ningde's third "Huaxia Cup" college entrance examination volunteer application guidance held on the evening of June 27? The live broadcast event received 157,000 views, and many candidates and parents took the opportunity to seek "

The public welfare cloud live broadcast of Ningde 's third "Huaxia Cup" college entrance examination volunteer application guidance was held on the evening of June 27th. Are you watching?

The live broadcast event received 157,000 views, and many candidates and parents took the opportunity to seek "advice" from famous teachers and experts.

This event, hosted by the Social Media Center of Mindong Daily and co-organized by Ningde Huaxia Eye Hospital, invited Li Hui, director of the Teaching and Research Office of Ningde No. 1 Middle School, senior teacher, special teacher, and the Refractive Department of Ningde Eye Hospital of Huaxia Eye Hospital Group Director Fan Shengli, through the form of "online live broadcast + interview", provides candidates and parents with many years of application guidance experience and the most practical suggestions.

In recent years, more and more college entrance examination students and parents hope to combine long-term future planning and find a major that meets both students' interests and social needs, so that they can be more comfortable in future study and work. So, what is the basic situation of college entrance examination enrollment in Fujian Province in 2021, and what preparations are needed to fill in the application for the college entrance examination in 2022? Li Hui introduced and analyzed in detail one by one the focus issues that the candidates and parents are concerned about. Later, he also introduced what is the parallel volunteer filing model, common questions about filling in volunteer applications, etc. What are the risks of

parallel volunteer submission? What are some tips for filling out parallel volunteer applications? How to balance and take into account the school, major, and location when filling in your application? ... In response to the questions and doubts that the candidates and parents are concerned about, Li Hui also answered them one by one in the live broadcast room and put forward practical application suggestions.

Because some majors have conditional restrictions on eye vision. So, what should I do if my vision is limited for special majors in the college entrance examination? After myopia surgery, can I join the army? Is there a limit to the degree of myopia surgery? How long in advance do I need to apply for myopia surgery?... In response to these questions, Fan Shengli also gave professional answers one by one, so that people who want to choose myopia surgery to correct their vision can But the candidates who were still hesitant had a "certainty" in their hearts. Every question in

is "full of useful information". You can slowly browse the huge amount of information in

, and

will get the answers you need!

Candidates and parents who missed the live broadcast,

can click the link below to watch the replay