Before children enter primary school, they will not only yearn for primary school life, but also have certain fears. Leaving a familiar kindergarten and entering an unfamiliar elementary school is a major turning point and challenge for young children. Whether it is emotional sta

Before children enter primary school, they will not only yearn for primary school life, but also have certain fears.

Leaving the familiar kindergarten and entering an unfamiliar elementary school is a major turning point and challenge for young children.

Whether it is emotional state, interpersonal communication, life routine, or study habits, adjustments and changes need to be made.

Such adjustments and changes are inseparable from the joint efforts and cooperation of kindergarten teachers and parents.

This article shared by the kindergarten principal communication service platform today will talk about how to prepare children for school from the perspective of parents, and give an educational tip.

1. Psychological preparation

How to make children fall in love with learning and life in primary school? Therefore, it is very important to be mentally prepared before goes to elementary school.

Parents can do this:

1. Use language guidance: Use a relaxed tone to tell your children about the study and life of elementary school.

2. Use examples to inspire: Ask other children around you who are in primary school to tell your own children about their happy experiences in primary school.

3. Visit a primary school for personal experience: Take your children to visit your favorite primary school. If possible, it is best to let your children experience a primary school class.

4. Don’t scare your children with words such as “You will have to endure hardships to go to school”. Instead, say some words of appreciation and encouragement, such as: “You have really grown up”, “You are becoming more and more like a primary school student”, This will make the children feel that attending elementary school is honorable and proud.

5. When problems arise, face them with your children and give positive hints. For example: "Baby, you are so perseverant" and "You did a good job, but it could be better if..." to help the child go through this growth process smoothly.

2. Habit preparation

means "helping children develop good living habits". recommends focusing on cultivating children's five living habits at this stage:

1, Regular schedule: Go to bed on time, go to bed early and get up early, and insist on taking a lunch break. .

2, Eat well: Eat by yourself and eat less snacks and roadside stall food.

3, Pay attention to hygiene: Wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet, and flush the toilet after using the toilet.

4, Item restoration: Used items must be returned to their original places.

5, Self-care: Dress yourself and organize your school bag.

3. How does social preparation

promote communication and cooperation among children?

Education Tips:

Provide children with opportunities to interact with peers: often take children downstairs or to a nearby park to play with children of similar age; encourage children to make appointments with good friends through various methods (verbal agreement, online agreement) Play.

Provide children with opportunities to interact with people around them: for example, guide children to try to use cash to buy goods in the supermarket and express their needs to the cashier.

To improve the quality of parent-child companionship, parents and children discuss and plan a certain goal, and then implement it through division of labor and cooperation. For example, picnics, outings, building blocks, etc. focus on cultivating cooperative abilities.

How to cultivate children's task awareness?

Education Tips:

"One-day schedule" is an excellent carrier for cultivating children's task awareness. Pay attention to the completion of each content in the child's schedule, and talk with the children about the difficulties and thoughts and feelings when completing the schedule. , and optimize based on content.

gives children some small tasks in daily life and lets them complete them independently. Parents are responsible for checking and following up on the results.

How to make children love the collective?

Education Tips:

Encourage children to do more things within their capabilities at home.

Follow the news network, city news, etc. with your children to understand the recent important things happening in the country and your hometown of Nanjing, such as the development of the epidemic and the fight against the epidemic.

4. Ability preparation

How to cultivate children’s good study habits?

Educational Tips:

Play some small games to train children's concentration, such as puzzles, bean puzzles, etc. Do activities that require concentration and don't disturb your children by talking to them or giving them food while they are concentrating.

When discussing issues with your children, if the children put forward different opinions, do not deny them. Instead, listen to their ideas and let the children speak out boldly.

How to cultivate children's learning interest and learning ability?

Education Tips:

Observe things and phenomena in life with your children, such as making observations and records during planting and breeding activities, and doing small scientific experiments using daily necessities.

takes children’s questions seriously and guides them to find answers through books, the Internet and other means.

* Statement: Most of the text and pictures in this article come from the Internet. The articles are reprinted or selected by the editor of the Principal Kindergarten Teacher Service Platform for teaching and research needs. The focus is on sharing excellent educational concepts. The copyright belongs to the original author. If any If there is any infringement, please leave a message in the background to contact us for deletion.