Reporter Kong Lingru Correspondent Qi Shuai is in Class 6, Grade 2021, Jinan No. 3 Middle School. Wang Junming is the "hard-working little master" in the class. In his spare time, he often asks the class teacher for difficult questions and practices alone. After a period of hard

Reporter Kong Lingru Correspondent Qi Shuai

In Class 6, 2021, Jinan No. 3 Middle School, Wang Junming is the "hard-working little master" in the class. In his spare time, he often asks the class teacher for difficult questions and practices alone. After a period of hard work, Wang Junming's grades ranked among the top 20 in his grade. However, when he entered the first grade of high school, Wang Junming was still a somewhat rebellious student with average and lower grades.

From "I want to learn" to "I want to learn", many students like Wang Junming have changed. Behind the improvement of each student's learning autonomy is Jinan No. 3 Middle School's strict and caring teaching methods and precise control of information-based smart teaching.

Principal Song Jinbo is with students.

Strict management and generous love

Make education warm

In the 2021 school department, from morning reading at 6:50 am to a song before class at 1:40 noon; from energy-saving guards in drinking water rooms and bathrooms to civilized Random inspections of classrooms...Student self-management committees can be seen in almost every scene. Class leaders such as monitors and league secretary implement the "daily routine" very meticulously. The work of the Student Self-Management Committee will be reflected in the quantitative assignment of class scores. This not only fills the management gap between the class teacher and subject teachers, but also exercises the execution and management capabilities of student cadres.

"Discipline will not give anyone a green light. Under refined management, students have an intuitive feel for the system." Ma Nannan, director of the 2021 academic department, told reporters that since 2018, the academic department has begun to explore and experiment with refined management. Both teachers and students have felt the importance of independently managing .

"Provide warm education and communicate in a visible way." This is a sentence Ma Nannan mentioned many times during the interview. How to carry out school management down to every detail so that students can receive teachers' attention and help at all times in their lives is something that every faculty member of the school considers every day. Based on this, benefiting from the refined management of each department of the school, the subjective initiative of many students has been greatly improved.

"Thank you for your careful observation of the child. I have felt the child's obvious progress this year. This is inseparable from Teacher Zhang's continuous help." On the mobile phone of Zhang Jianchao, the leader of the physics lesson preparation team of the 2021 academic department, she and the mother of student Wang Junming There are chat records almost every day.

Wang Junming was a bit rebellious when he first entered the school. In order not to arouse the students' rebellious mood, Zhang Jianchao has been paying close attention silently. In order to understand the child's personality and growth experience, he often communicates with the parents. "As an educator, we must face up to children's rebellion and give timely recognition and encouragement when they make progress." Zhang Jianchao has been teaching for 18 years. It is under this kind of "strict control and loving care" that Wang Junming has been in school since he entered the school. The rebellious boy in the early days has become a student who takes the initiative to learn now.

In order to prepare for the college entrance examination and encourage students to improve their internal motivation, starting from May 9, all senior high school teachers in Jinan No. 3 Middle School used the evening self-study time to "sit in class" in the class, give students "face-to-face consultations" and add "tonifying decoctions". While "replenishing", the class teacher also strengthens "management", imposes strict requirements on students, and guides students to form good habits of conscious self-discipline.

"Strict management and strong love" is the educational philosophy that every teacher in Jinan No. 3 Middle School upholds. During the closed resumption of school for senior high school students this year, 82 teachers from the high school division overcame practical difficulties in their families, ate and lived with students, and held closed classes for more than half a month, achieving a smooth transition for students from online cloud classes to returning to class in the classroom.

In fact, every teacher from school to department to teachers takes the initiative to take the lead in creating a safe, efficient and warm learning and living environment for students.

Students participated in psychological sandbox experience activities

Professional development of teachers

Promote improvement in teaching level

The progress of each student's performance is a manifestation of the school's focus on the training and improvement of the teacher team over the years. Teachers have achieved professional development and then fed back. In daily teaching work, promote the improvement of the overall level of teaching.

In Jinan No. 3 Middle School, every teacher, whether he is a key teacher or a young teacher, can find a platform suitable for his or her own development.Recently, Jinan No. 3 Middle School issued letters of appointment to 48 guidance experts from the teacher growth expert database, which also represents the official launch of the school’s teacher training project for the diversified development of middle-aged teachers. It is reported that the first batch of 48 teachers hired can be described as "leaders". They not only have to stand out after a strict selection process such as personal application and school review, but also cover all fields of education such as moral education guidance experts, teaching guidance experts, curriculum guidance experts, teaching and scientific research guidance experts, and thesis writing guidance experts.

In terms of training young teachers, Yu Huajin, director of the Human Resources Department, told reporters that in February this year, the school launched an "Excellent Young Teacher Training Course". The training content included theoretical knowledge, writing training, theme class meeting design, speeches, etc., as well as Invite experts to make propositions, comment on teachers' presentations, and continue to focus on cultivating outstanding young teachers. The school provides young teachers with a platform for growth and development by carrying out induction training and apprenticeship activities. At the same time, the school has established a teacher team training mechanism, implemented team and echelon development strategies for the teacher team, established growth files for young backbone teachers, helped teachers achieve professional improvement, and provided systematic guidance in classrooms, topics, papers, etc. While the teaching team of

school has become professional, team-oriented and echelon-oriented, the teachers have also handed in a satisfactory "report card". In 2021 alone, teachers across the school have won 13 national honors, 10 provincial honors, and 25 municipal honors. Among them, Chinese teacher Chen Lin won the national award in the 19th National High School Information Technology and Teaching Integration Innovation Quality Course Competition. First prize.

Smart classrooms in schools allow students to learn more efficiently

Listen to their voices and grow with them

Build a good mental health education "Firewall"

Adolescent students face pressure from academic studies and growth, and mental health education is particularly important. At Jinan No. 3 Middle School, teachers have established compulsory and elective courses in psychology and established prevention, consultation, intervention, and tracking feedback mechanisms for students. The home-school community has formed a joint force to help students grow up healthily.

At the beginning of their enrollment, in order to help the freshmen adapt to the study and life in high school more quickly, the school carefully designed a mental health education "gift package", which included mental health screening for all employees, selection of psychological committee members, etc. Among them, the psychological class with the theme of admission adjustment mainly focuses on the problems students may encounter in the transition stage between junior high school and high school, helping students adapt to their new life as soon as possible. Li Ming, director of the senior high school department at

, said that after entering senior high school, the school implements closed-loop management in mental health education. Each teacher works with 6-7 students, and each student receives regular face-to-face psychological counseling once a month. The teachers use their experience based on many years of experience. Teaching experience predicts in advance the different psychological needs of senior high school students at each stage, and controls the students' learning rhythm and mental health in the senior high school stage.

According to reports, the school is equipped with a total of 17 functional rooms, 5 professional psychological counseling rooms, 5 full-time psychological teachers and 2 part-time psychological teachers. On the basis of establishing a consultation appointment system, the school obtains information based on screening results and psychological counseling mailboxes. information and provide psychological counseling to students in need. In response to students' problems in study pressure, emotional regulation, interpersonal communication, etc., teachers provide individual or group psychological counseling. In schools, teachers adopt a "one person, one policy" approach for students who need attention, arrange for full-time psychological teachers to conduct follow-up visits, provide timely feedback, and provide consulting services and individual counseling based on students' actual needs.

Mental health education is a job that requires long-term persistence and moisturizing and silent work. In the normal teaching work of schools, its role is not only a "fire brigade", but also a "firewall". For every teacher at Jinan No. 3 Middle School, "listening to the heart and accompanying growth" is something that runs through teaching. Teachers hope that students can write the best life with a running attitude.

The teacher explained the topic carefully to the students

Precise teaching, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude

Smart classroom allows teachers to focus on each student

In September 2021, the smart classroom teaching reform was fully popularized among the first-year students of Jinan No. 3 Middle School. After less than a year of development, the smart classroom display The class has become part of the school’s regular teaching. In the so-called smart classroom, the focus before class is to pay attention to students' independent preview, which is the first entrance to achieve "precision teaching"; the focus in class is to create a more vivid and efficient teaching environment and improve teaching efficiency and quality, especially It is to focus on solving the interaction problem between teachers and students, which is the second key link to achieve "precision teaching"; the difficulty after class is to obtain students' knowledge acquisition status in time, give feedback on the quality of classroom teaching, and at the same time quickly provide Provide targeted re-instruction to students. The "smart classroom" based on big data and artificial intelligence technology provides an "accurate portrait" of each student and formulates a personalized learning path to help improve students' learning ability. With the "blessing" of big data, teachers can accurately grasp the academic situation and achieve precise teaching. Taking the senior high school department as an example, the school relies on a big data platform and is led by experienced subject leaders to establish a college entrance examination research guidance group. Teachers of various subjects jointly participate in lesson preparation, study and judge college entrance examination trends, and control the direction of lesson preparation.

is a national application demonstration school for smart education. In December 2021, a classroom teaching seminar at the Jinan Information Teaching Experimental Zone Demonstration School was held at Jinan No. 3 Middle School. At the scene, two teachers from Jinan No. 3 Middle School presented smart classroom demonstration courses on "Overweight and Weightlessness" and "Agricultural Location Factors and Development" respectively. They created an open classroom through teaching materials, electronic textbooks, micro videos, tutorials, experimental equipment, etc. , sharing, interactive and collaborative classroom environment.

According to reports, Jinan No. 3 Middle School is based on the normal application of smart teaching and smart learning, focusing on the in-depth application of smart classrooms and the establishment of big data centers to use data-driven innovative talent training models to help students grow and learn in a personalized way. Strengthening and teacher professional development. Up to now, 42 smart classroom teaching classes in three departments of the school have successfully served more than 130 teachers and more than 2,000 students.

In October 2021, the Secretariat of the China Education International Exchange Association announced the list of the first batch of schools for the " China Education International Exchange Association Artificial Intelligence Innovation Education International Cooperation Project". Jinan No. 3 Middle School was the only selected school in Jinan City to successfully "appear on the list". "The road ahead is long, but we are about to get there. As a national-level information-based teaching model school, Jinan No. 3 Middle School has always focused on the concept of 'smart teaching.'" Party Secretary and Principal Song Jinbo said that the school will always be committed to promoting artificial intelligence and The deep integration of education and teaching makes the school a new type of school that can serve students' personalized development, has advanced educational concepts and a modern governance system.