On the morning of June 29, a four-day training course to improve the capabilities of high-level talent service liaison officers of the Hainan Provincial Health Commission officially opened in Haikou.

On the morning of June 29, the four-day Hainan Provincial Health Commission high-level talent service liaison capacity improvement training course officially opened in Haikou. This training is to implement the ten basic ability requirements that Party members and cadres in Hainan must possess, as set out by Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, to further focus on basic ability and professional skills training, and to comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of Hainan’s high-level talent service liaison officers in the health field. It is also a solid advancement. Specific measures for capacity improvement and construction year activities. More than 60 people from 12 units including the affiliated hospitals of Hainan Medical College, hospitals directly under the Provincial Health Commission, and the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention participated.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Comrade Qi Hongxia, director of the Human Resources Department (Industrial Talent Work Division) of the Provincial Health Commission, and Chen Shaoshi, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Health Commission, served as mobilizer for the opening of the class. Chen Shaoshi pointed out that all trainees should improve their political stance and deeply understand the importance of holding this military training event; they should study carefully and thoroughly to ensure that the training achieves good results; they should listen to instructions and obey discipline, and complete training tasks with high quality.

It is understood that this training will conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges around the Hainan Free Trade Port talent training policy, high-level talent identification standards and procedures, talent service guarantee policies such as housing purchase, housing subsidies, spouse employment, and medical security. After the theoretical training, we organize individual closed-book examinations and team competitions, striving to comprehensively test the training results through competitions to promote learning and training, and select outstanding talent workers to participate in Hainan's second high-level talent service liaison skills competition .

Source: Healthy New Hainan WeChat public account

Editor: Yang Muzi Lin Boxin

Proofreading: Li Qian