When I was a student, there were top students in every class, and correspondingly, there were also bad students. The top student's academic performance is outstanding, making the classmates around him very envious. If the academic performance of the poor students is not good, the

When I was a student, there were top students in every class, and correspondingly, there were also bad students. The top student's academic performance is outstanding, making the classmates around him very envious. If the academic performance of the poor students is not good, they are likely to be placed in a "dedicated seat" next to the lecture table to facilitate the teacher's management. There is a huge difference in academic performance between top academics and poor academics, and there is also a very big difference in personality.

If you observe carefully, the scumbag is always the one who likes to talk a lot in the class, and he is quite popular. If there are any activities in the class, these students are very good at enlivening the atmosphere. But top academics are different. Top academics tend to be taciturn and more introverted. In comparison, it naturally seems that the emotional intelligence of the scumbag is relatively high. So why is there such a difference?

Top academics are taciturn, while bad academics have higher emotional intelligence. What is the reason?

Top academics focus most of their time and energy on their studies and have little time to make friends. A scumbag doesn't want to study, so he naturally likes to communicate with the classmates around him. Over time, a fixed impression has been formed, that top students are always taciturn. However, this is not absolute. Some top students have very lively personalities, but they just cannot allocate their time and energy to other aspects.

Because of his good academic performance, the top student is envied and admired by his classmates, but also creates a sense of distance. Ordinary students do not dare to approach top academics, always feeling that the other person is not from the same world as themselves. In such a mental state, the relationship between top students and other students will not be too close. Let’s look at the scumbags who don’t have any “idol baggage” in this regard, and they appear to be much more approachable.

The pressure to study is high, which always makes top students look serious and introverted. All they were thinking about were exams and further studies, and they were not in such a relaxed mood. It's different for scumbags. They don't pay much attention to learning and just want to live a happy life. It doesn't matter how many points you score or what school you go to. This relaxed quality of a scumbag also makes it easy to make friends.

In addition, top academic students often have these qualities

In addition to being poor at speaking, top academic students often have many excellent qualities that are beyond the reach of other students. For example, they have strong concentration. Whether in class or after class, they can often focus on their studies and their learning efficiency is very high. Many students have the problem of spending three days fishing and two days surfing the Internet. It is difficult to maintain concentration for a long time. This is also an important reason why their grades are not as good as those of top students.

’s high degree of self-discipline has also allowed students to quickly improve their scores. Perhaps in primary and secondary schools, the impact of this kind of self-discipline is not obvious. After all, at this stage, students have teachers and parents around them to advise them, and they do not need to mobilize too much self-discipline. But when you get to college, the role of self-discipline becomes prominent. Top academics can always keep themselves on the "right track" of learning.

Compared with other students, top students usually have clearer goals and loftier ideals. Take high school studies as an example. Many top students have secretly made up their minds since the first year of high school about which university and which major they want to enter. After setting goals, students will have the motivation to work hard and the direction to make progress. At the same time, other students are still living their lives in a haze without any sense of purpose.

In fact, it is this type of student that the teacher likes.

So what kind of student does the teacher like the most among the top students and the bad students? Many people think that teachers will like academic masters. After all, teachers and parents like children who study well. But the actual situation is not like this. Teachers like students who work hard. Although some students do not have top-notch academic performance, they have a correct attitude towards learning and are very likely to counterattack academically.

For this type of students, teachers also have more patience and confidence to educate them.Such students usually also serve as various committee members, subject representatives, etc. in the class, becoming the teacher's right-hand assistant. Of course, in general, the teacher's attitude towards each student will not be much different. Responsible teachers will not look at students through colored glasses, nor will they give up on every student easily.

There is no good or bad personality, but communication skills are very important.

Speaking of this, some people said that if the character of the top student is so introverted, does it need to be corrected? In fact, some people are born introverted, and some people become introverted due to acquired environment and other reasons. This is very normal.. In terms of personality, extroverts are good at sociability, while introverts are good at thinking. There is no distinction between the two, and there is no need for parents to be too nervous.

However, if the student's personality is too introverted and has even affected normal daily communication, timely adjustments are needed. When students are students, this kind of overly introverted personality may not have much impact, but when students graduate and enter the society, they will find that this kind of personality is difficult to move forward and will bring a very heavy burden to themselves. It is an urgent need to improve changed.

No matter what profession you are engaged in, you will inevitably have to deal with the outside world, and you need to have certain communication skills and skills. If you are deficient in this aspect, you are likely to be said to have low emotional intelligence, and you may even be ostracized. Parents need to pay more attention to communicating with their children, encourage them to express their ideas, and avoid the tendency of their children to be too introverted and unwilling to communicate.