On June 22, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology held a meeting to promote the 70th anniversary of the school. The school’s president Xu Guangwen and vice president Yang Xueyin attended the meeting. Wang Chengchen, director of the Alumni Association Office, as well as deans

On June 22, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology held a meeting to promote the 70th anniversary of the school. The school's president Xu Guangwen and vice president Yang Xueyin attended the meeting. Wang Chengchen, director of the Alumni Association Office, as well as deans of each college and party branch secretaries of each unit attended the meeting. Liu Fei, deputy director of the School Anniversary Office and director of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee, presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, the deans of each college reported on the anniversary work that has been carried out and the planned anniversary work. Wang Chengchen, director of the Alumni Association Office, introduced the construction of the alumni platform and the overall situation of donations for the school anniversary.

Yang Xueyin summarized the progress of the school anniversary work and put forward three suggestions for the next stage of the school anniversary work. He emphasized that the first is to raise awareness and enhance the sense of mission to do a good job in the school anniversary work. All units must effectively unify their thoughts and actions with the overall requirements of the school party committee and the specific administrative arrangements, and complete the school anniversary work tasks to the letter. The second is to implement it well and enhance the sense of responsibility for doing a good job in the school anniversary work. Highlight the sentiments, demonstrate enthusiasm, focus on academics, and comprehensively carry out various tasks such as donation, venue construction, and event organization. The third is to work together to enhance the sense of urgency to do a good job in the school anniversary work. Each working group and each college should arrange the construction period, work on the wall chart, divide the work and responsibilities, and cooperate closely to form a joint force to successfully organize the school anniversary work.

Xu Guangwen made a concluding speech and put forward work requirements. He pointed out that the first is to focus on giving full play to the role of alumni. It is necessary to give full play to the organizing and participating role of alumni associations in various places in the school celebration work, deeply explore alumni resources, and strive to build a work pattern for alumni to organize school celebrations. The school will fully connect and support alumni to organize school celebrations, and do a good job in reception of alumni returning to school, etc. In order to enhance the sense of honor and belonging among the alumni, we will take the school anniversary as an opportunity to build an alumni work brand. The second is to highlight the highlights and characteristics of each college. Each college should systematically sort out the highly visible results achieved in recent years, focus on condensing talent training and disciplinary and professional highlights, integrate the principles of alumni-run campus celebrations, strengthen the planning and layout of each college's anniversary work, promote multi-college linkage and collaboration, and create a campus with college characteristics. It is a carrier of cultural, sports, academic and other activities to comprehensively demonstrate the effectiveness of the school's talent training. The third is to actively create a good celebration atmosphere on campus. Each college should guide teachers and students of the school to actively carry forward the sense of ownership of "I am Hua University, and Hua University is me", set an example and set an example, comprehensively stimulate the enthusiasm and vitality of teachers and students to participate in the school anniversary work, organize teachers and students to donate materials, Various celebration activities such as volunteer services, lectures and forums strive to create a strong atmosphere for the school anniversary. (Correspondents: Wang Zhuang and Shi Ning of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology)