On June 25, Xi'an Shiyou University's 2022 Campus Open Day and High School Recruitment Consultation Meeting was held at Yanta Campus. Nearly 50 representatives from the school's Academic Affairs Office, Student Affairs Department (Department), International Exchange and Cooperati

On June 25, Xi’an Petroleum University 2022 Campus Open Day and High School Recruitment Consultation Meeting were held at Yanta Campus. The school’s Academic Affairs Office, Student Affairs Department (Department), International Exchange and Cooperation Office, and various colleges (departments) Nearly 50 teacher representatives participated in the consultation activity. School principal Li Tiantai and vice principal Chen Junbin attended the meeting to express condolences to the consulting teachers and had in-depth exchanges with candidates and parents.

The consultation activity started at 8:30 a.m. that day. With full enthusiasm and a responsible attitude, the participating teachers carefully explained the school’s admissions policy, school characteristics, teaching staff, scholarship system, employment and further education, international exchanges, etc., and introduced professional training in detail. direction and patiently answer questions from candidates and parents. During this period, the heads of relevant departments and colleges (departments) came to the consultation desk to participate in consultation guidance and on-site answers. The consultation meeting was in order and the atmosphere was warm. Outside the venue, the staff of the Security Department (Department) coordinated and dispatched to guide parents to park their vehicles. Medical staff from the school hospital were on duty throughout the entire process. The Logistics Office regularly disinfected the venue. The Propaganda Department and the Information Construction and Management Office promptly released information on the consultation meeting and debugged it. According to the venue signal, the consultation activity lasted until 5 p.m., and about 1,000 candidates and parents conducted on-site consultations.

According to reports, since the high-end recruitment season, the school has made overall arrangements and worked closely with various departments and colleges (departments) to establish a multi-channel, multi-level, all-round and three-dimensional enrollment promotion pattern. During the campus open day, the school organized a group of experts and professors to participate in 5 large-scale consultation meetings such as the Shaanxi University Admissions Consultation Meeting and the College Entrance Examination Volunteer Application Conference organized by Shaanxi Daily , Xi'an Daily , Huashang Media, etc., and participated in Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology There were 5 open day activities on the campuses of and other colleges and universities; 13 enrollment publicity groups went to 128 middle schools including middle school, Xunyang Middle School, and Yulin Middle School to carry out enrollment consultation activities. During the recruitment season, the school conducted a total of 63 live broadcasts of "Dean's Open Class" and "Professor Talks" on WeChat video accounts, Bilibili , and Toutiao, and on China Education Online , Tencent video, and learning New media platforms such as Qiangguo, Xigua Video, and Gaozhaotong carried out 13 live broadcasts on admissions policies and professional interpretations, participated in 4 live broadcasts of Shaanxi-Guangzhou News Education 100%, 1066 Education Express, and online interviews with the admissions director of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education. Gansu Provincial Examination Institute conducted 4 live broadcasts on admissions promotion, produced 7 short videos for school promotion, produced 15 short videos of blessings from the dean, and collected more than 170 videos of alumni recalling their majors and students talking about their majors. Published more than 380 tweets on WeChat and Weibo, and distributed more than 80,000 paper leaflets. At the same time, the school has also opened 3 online QQ groups, 5 QQ numbers and 8 hotlines, and set up fixed consultation points at the east gate and south gate of the school and outside the school to receive consultations from parents and candidates. So far, the school has received and telephone calls Consulted more than 10,000 times.

It is understood that in 2022, the school plans to enroll 4,558 students from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, including 2,707 students in Shaanxi. At present, the application form for the first period of the Shaanxi Provincial College Entrance Examination has ended, the application form for volunteers from outside the province has begun one after another, and the enrollment consultation is still in progress. (Correspondent: Xi'an Petroleum University, Chen Zhaojun, Wuwei)