I believe everyone must be familiar with the process of marking college entrance examination papers. Teachers will mark each student's answer sheet on the machine. Moreover, an answer sheet usually undergoes joint correction by several teachers, and finally a relatively fair scor

I believe everyone is familiar with the college entrance examination marking process . The teachers will mark each student's answer sheet on the machine.

And an answer sheet usually undergoes joint corrections by several teachers, and finally a relatively fair score is obtained. Therefore, the entire process of the college entrance examination is very rigorous, and there is almost no possibility of error in .

But there are exceptions to everything. Some students always wonder if their college entrance examination results are abnormal because the teacher made a mistake in judging the papers, so they seek official review.

Candidates don’t believe that they only scored 17.5 points in the physics test. After their personal accounts were made public, it turned out that

we should look for the reasons for our results in the college entrance examination on weekdays. Students who work hard on weekdays, if they perform normally in the college entrance examination, It will definitely not be too bad in the exam, but students who cram in will have a high chance of failing.

Recently, the college entrance examination scores were released, but a female classmate questioned her college entrance examination results on the Internet, because her physics score in the college entrance examination was only 17.5 points, she swears that her usual scores are very good, at least 80 in physics. Get started.

Since there is such a big difference between the usual score and the college entrance examination score, there must be a reason. This female student believes that the reason is that the college entrance examination teacher marked her paper wrongly, or transferred her college entrance examination paper to and replaced it with .

So she applied for a re-examination of the test paper with great fanfare. This matter also made a fuss on the Internet, and everyone had different opinions. After the result came out, it made people feel a little embarrassed. It turned out that there was no problem with the paper.

The real number of this female student is 17.5 points, and there is no fraud at all. But this is even more puzzling. On weekdays, I get 80 points on the test, but how come I get 17.5 points when I get to the examination room?

Careful netizens later discovered the female classmate’s personal account on a certain platform called . After the account was opened, netizens suddenly realized that it was destined that she scored 17.5 points in the test.

It can be seen that this female classmate has a very rich life on weekdays, but the content on her social account has nothing to do with study. She is either buying lipstick or discussing some irrelevant topics with her friends.

Finally came to the critical moment of her senior year in high school. There were only more than fifty days left before the college entrance examination of and . She anxiously posted on WeChat Moments saying that she had made too many mistakes in Chinese language exams in her senior year and didn’t know how to study.

Some netizens found that in her updates, although she kept saying that her physics scores were very good and her grades were very high on weekdays, the answers to the test papers she posted were basically all copies of the answers, and she did not have any of her own Steps to do the questions.

Therefore, netizens speculated that her so-called high scores were probably all fraud because her parents spent 500,000 yuan on her senior year of high school, so she did not dare to let her parents see that she did not study hard on weekdays.

But in the real college entrance examination examination room, there was no chance to falsify. After the final real results were exposed, she would definitely not be able to explain to her parents, so she made such a fuss, saying that the college entrance examination papers had been transferred.

The truth about the whole incident was revealed. It showed a high school student who often lied. In the end, he believed the lies he had learned and caused such a big fight. After wasting public resources Being completely slapped in the face.

There is a big difference between the usual scores and the college entrance examination scores. Parents should be vigilant.

In fact, there are not a few students who cheat like this. Our student representatives must have encountered such people, but most of their parents are kept in the dark. I don’t know how the child behaves in school.

So if you find that there is a big difference between your usual grades and the college entrance examination scores, parents should first be vigilant. Although they should maintain complete trust in their children, they should also think of the above situation.

Secondly, we should believe in the fairness of the college entrance examination teachers' marking and judging of papers. There is no need for teachers to give low scores to every student, because they have no idea who the information on each examination paper is.

Again, the current college entrance examination process is so rigorous, open, and transparent that there is no possibility of cheating. If there is a package swap or other circumstances, will definitely be exposed on the spot and severely punished.

For the majority of students, we take the college entrance examination to have a clear conscience and to draw a successful conclusion to our three years of high school. If we all falsify, then it really means nothing.

When we are in high school, we should first study for ourselves, and secondly, we should also consider the mood of our parents. When we go behind our parents' backs and fail to study or cheat, our conscience should first be condemned.

Today’s topic: Do you think this girl’s approach is wise?

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