Every university cares about its "reputation". The better the reputation, it means that the faculty and school leaders are doing a good job, which will attract many students to sign up and form a healthy development. The reputation of a college has a lot to do with the "employmen

Every university cares about its "reputation". The better the reputation, it means that the staff and school leaders are doing a good job, which will attract many students to sign up and form a healthy development.

The reputation of a college has a lot to do with the "employment rate." If the student employment rate is high, it means that the school is very powerful. However, some colleges and universities have made a fuss about this matter and want to play "edge ball." .

Can college students stay in school as security guards after graduation? The school said it was to find out

Huaibei Normal University is a key provincial university. Although it is not 985 or 211, its strength cannot be underestimated. Many students apply for this institution every year. its normal major is very popular, enters Most of the students studying in this institution want to become a people's teacher.

A student at Huaibei Normal University posted a screenshot of a class chat, which caused a lot of controversy. In the screenshot, the school stated that after graduating, students can stay on campus as security guards, and announced the deadline for registration. In addition, the school also encourages students to work as security guards in local primary and secondary schools.

The content released by the school makes students feel confused. Students enter university to continuously improve themselves, learn professional knowledge, and find a good job after graduation. Even if they cannot find a high-paying job, they should also find a job with development. Job prospects, , but the school recommends students to be security guards.

Schools should be responsible for students and should help college students solve their employment problems. However, Huaibei Normal University's approach seems a bit perfunctory. It seems that it does not care about the future of students at all and does not consider students' feelings. It is difficult to gain the recognition of students by doing so. .

After the incident was fermented, a staff member of the school said that it is recommended that students stay in school as security guards. is an initiative to expand job opportunities. Only fresh graduates can sign up for . They can apply for security guards in colleges and universities or primary and secondary schools. It's a temporary job, not a regular job. After

registers, the students will be assessed. The school also said that this is done to get a good foundation. students can register if they want, but no one has signed up so far. Most undergraduates are not willing to take this job.

The true intention of the school is obvious and has been seen through by the students.

Some netizens expressed their thoughts. One netizen said that if college students work as security guards after graduation, is it a waste of resources? Han Chuang has been studying hard for more than ten years, but he is engaged in a very simple job, which means that studying in college is of little use.

Another college student said that the true intention of the school is very clear. This is to allow fresh graduates to join the work as soon as possible, so that they can sign the tripartite agreement , Some colleges and universities will require students to hand over the tripartite agreement to the school as soon as possible, otherwise they will not Graduation certificates will be issued to students.

In fact, the school did this, and was probably to improve the "employment rate." It is more difficult for college students to find a job, also because they cannot find a suitable job. The purpose of colleges and universities is to let college students find a job casually, as long as it can improve the employment rate of the school, no matter what kind of job the college students are engaged in.

This is a very irresponsible approach. Colleges and universities have employment guidance departments. Employment guidance teachers should think about students and help students find good jobs, instead of making random recommendations in order to increase the employment rate. This will affect college students. The "view of career choice" will be greatly affected by the college students who enroll in .

If colleges and universities want to increase the employment rate, they must adopt the correct method.

If they want to increase the employment rate, colleges and universities cannot let students take jobs that are not suitable for them, but they must adopt the correct method. In their daily work, college teachers should be serious and responsible, help students to continuously improve various abilities, also improve their personal qualities and become comprehensive talents.

can also pass on its work experience to students, or organize graduated students to return to school to share their experiences. can also take students to the job market to take a look and tell students some precautions when seeking employment. Return to After school, discuss with the students and talk about their feelings together.

Colleges and universities must also prepare students for employment. Before students graduate, the school can hold an dual selection meeting to allow companies to enter the campus. This allows students to quickly find a job that suits them, be "booked" by the company in advance, and directly join the job after graduation.

also needs to contact the local job market, and guides students to post job search information. For students with good performance and grades, we should recommend them to work in large companies to effectively help students solve employment problems.

In short, the employment rate is very important for colleges and universities. In order to improve the employment rate, schools have made a lot of efforts. Schools should shoulder their own responsibilities and help students find a good job.

What Huaibei Normal University does is not correct. I hope other universities will not follow suit. Although doing so can increase the employment rate, it will make the school's reputation worse and students will be disappointed.

interactive topic: What are your personal views on Huaibei Normal University’s encouragement of students to stay on campus as security guards? Everyone is welcome to speak freely in the comment area below.