Image Network News (Henan Radio and Television Media Reporter Feng Zhanhua Correspondent Niu Danying) In order to allow students to spend a safe, civilized, healthy and happy summer vacation, and to improve students’ safety protection awareness and safety prevention capabilities,

Image Network News (Henan Radio and Television Media Reporter Feng Zhanhua Correspondent Niu Danying) In order to allow students to spend a safe, civilized, healthy and happy summer vacation and improve students' safety protection awareness and safety prevention capabilities, in recent days, Xiping Zhangzhuang Primary School in Zhongqu County conducted a series of summer safety education activities for all students to ensure that there are zero accidental injuries during the student holidays.

During the activity, teachers in each class used pictures, videos and other methods to give students a vivid summer safety education class from aspects such as traffic safety, waterproof safety, food safety, fire safety, etc., educating students not to play with fire, water, etc. Do not play with electronic devices, do not climb high, do not play with toys on the road, do not eat rotten and expired food, do not leave adults when going out to play, do not go with strangers, etc. At the same time, each class also signed a "Summer Safety Responsibility Letter", which put forward matters that should be paid attention to during the summer, especially requiring parents to strengthen the supervision and supervision of their children, requiring parents to cooperate with the school in safety education work, and effectively assume the responsibility of guardians. Through this educational activity,

has enhanced the safety consciousness and prevention awareness of students and parents, laying a solid foundation for students to spend a safe and happy summer vacation.

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