Why apply for PMP? The main reason is that I wanted to return to Hangzhou in 2020. During the Chinese New Year, I kept getting no results in job interviews and I felt frustrated. It happened that my colleagues formed a team to sign up for PMP. I also wanted to study. Maybe it wou

Why did you apply for PMP? The main reason is that I wanted to return to Hangzhou in 2020. During the Chinese New Year, I kept getting no results in job interviews and I felt frustrated. It happened that my colleagues formed a team to sign up for PMP. I also wanted to study. Maybe it would be easier to find a job after taking the certificate, haha, and it would be possible. Our leaders often provide us with an edifying atmosphere.

⭐Training class options: I didn’t choose a training class, and I didn’t know that a certain treasure could be solved directly. At that time, I applied to an institution in Beijing and gave us a small gift.

⭐Teaching options: There are face-to-face classes. There are two teaching methods: in-person and remote classes. I chose the remote class because of the epidemic. If possible, face-to-face classes may be better. You can also interact with the teacher.

Exam preparation guide:

Because of the epidemic, in March 2020 The exam was postponed to September. I was busy at that time so I didn’t take the exam. I finally applied for December 5th and started preparing for the exam around the beginning of November. Because I had already missed several classes by then, I used the 2 hours after work every day to study. I used time to make up for classes, watching video lessons and printed materials every day. I also compiled a few points about preparing for the exam:

1. Reading books: PMBOK is a very thick book, and it is very difficult to turn it over. The teacher said when I just signed up for the class, I could read the book. The binding has been cut, and I can read chapter by chapter, but the book is too difficult to open, so I gave up after tearing apart a few pages. The printing is better on a certain store (look for any one, whichever one is cheaper, I used 8 yuan) Jifenbao, so as for the 18)» book, I almost read it twice (quickly + combined with exercises to understand the book). I split the book into chapters. If you need an electronic version, you can contact me

2, answer questions: teacher Everyone has always said that you can’t just study questions, but you still need to do more questions assigned in the training class. I have finished all the after-class exercises and simulation papers in the training class, almost 3000+

3, simulation: you can do it on weekends Take a mock exam in the morning and practice your test-taking speed for four hours. Try not to play with your phone or anything in the middle and just finish 200 mock questions. It’s enough to simulate 3-5 sets (I usually can leave about half an hour, but on the day of the exam, It only takes two minutes to finish! It is recommended to leave about 40 minutes for the simulation, but maybe I am too slow)

⭐Exam registration: Needless to say, apply for a test center closer to you. If it is far away, it is also recommended to live closer. Be sure not to book a bad hotel, as not sleeping well will really affect your performance the next day (bloody lesson)

⭐Exam notes:

»You don’t need to bring anything with you for the exam, 2B pencils and erasers are prepared in the exam room, and my exam room is air-conditioned. So it's very warm. I heard from my colleagues before that it was very cold when they took the exam without air conditioning, so if it's winter, remember to wear more clothes to be safer.

»Because there are many questions, it is recommended to fill out the answer sheet once for 50 questions, which can also relax the brain for a few seconds.

It takes a lot of effort to prepare for the exam for a month. If you want to get a good score or be stable, just answering the questions may not necessarily be stable. , you still need to read more books. If you really don’t have time to read, then finish the class and read more about some test techniques and practice questions (they will be distributed in training classes)

Finally, self-confidence is the most important, I hope everyone can pass ~

Prepare carefully for the 5A exam Worth having

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