Jimu News Reporter Zou Hao Correspondent Lei Lei Liu Ding "Where does our school come from?" "Where is our school going?" "What should young teachers do?"... On the afternoon of June 23, Professor Li Yong, the president of Wuchang Institute of Technology, gave the school 100 More

Jimu News reporter Zou Hao

Correspondent Lei Lei Liu Ding

"Where does our school come from?" "Where does our school go?" "What should young teachers do?"... On the afternoon of June 23, Wuchang Institute of Technology Principal Li Yong The professor gave a unique entry-level ideological and political course to more than 100 new teachers in the school, calling on the young teachers to be student-centered, work together, and be pragmatic.

New Teachers Forum

This is not the first time that the principal of the school has given "lectures" to teachers. It is reported that in order to improve the level of application-oriented teaching team construction, the principal of the school will visit various colleges every semester to conduct surveys and hold teacher discussions to understand the practical problems reported by teachers, provide work guidance, and put forward requirements and expectations.

The principal teaches new teachers

"The development of the school today is due to the hard work of 170 young teachers 20 years ago. The future development of the school depends on you here. You are the new force of the school in the next 20 years. , the main force and the backbone,” said Principal Li Yong.

The school has always attached great importance to the construction of the teaching staff, taking a variety of effective measures to improve the applied quality and practical ability of teachers, and strive to create a "double-qualified" teaching team with both the ability to cultivate applied talents and the ability to cooperate with industry, academia and research.

Young teachers participate in teaching competitions

In recent years, the school has taken multiple measures to improve teachers' moral cultivation and professional abilities, and strives to create a team of teachers with strong moral ethics and professional skills, laying a solid foundation for the improvement of the school's teaching quality. As the scale of the school continues to expand, the number of young teachers in the school is also increasing. In order to improve the teaching ability of young teachers and improve the quality of teaching, the school has carried out a series of teaching reform and display activities. The school has successively implemented a series of education and teaching reforms such as the "Teacher Teaching Ability Improvement Project", "Curriculum Assessment and Evaluation Method Reform", "Curriculum Linkage Reform", "Professional Core Curriculum Construction", "Young Teacher Tutoring System", etc., and held "One A series of teaching evaluations and observations such as "One Excellent Course for Each Teacher", "One Brand for One College", "Top Ten Teaching Plans", "Top Ten Multimedia Courseware", "Top Ten Experimental Classrooms", "Golden Course Competition", "Young Teacher Teaching Competition" activities; establish a teaching quality monitoring system of "three complete and one closed" with full participation, full process monitoring, all-round guarantee, and closed-loop operation.

At the same time, the school spares no effort to provide various platforms for the professional growth of teachers. Through internal support and external introduction, it invites famous teachers to the campus, goes out for training and study, online learning, school-based training, project research and other methods to actively build a team of teachers. A team of corporate mentors with professional theoretical knowledge and rich industry practical experience. In addition to encouraging full-time teachers to go deep into the grassroots and practice on the front lines, and closely integrate classroom teaching with the actual needs of enterprises, the school also bases itself on the commanding heights of professional skills training, introduces new industry concepts, new methods, new processes, and new technologies into teaching, and compiles School-based teaching materials that closely follow the market achieve "seamless connection" with the industry. Xu Liqiang, Su Yafei, Zhu Yuanna... a group of "double-qualified" teachers with solid professional theoretical knowledge, rich practical teaching experience, and who are popular among students are gradually forming a large scale.

Young teachers teaching

In the Wugong Institute people's legacy, many teachers have continued to grow, not only can they take charge of education and teaching, but also stand out in the Hubei Province Young Teacher Lecture Competition, with outstanding results. Teachers’ minds are constantly enriched and their horizons are broadened. The school’s education and teaching level and the quality of applied talent training have been continuously improved. The school currently has more than 800 faculty members. Among the teaching staff, 86% have doctoral or master's degrees, and more than 40% have associate senior titles or above. A group of well-known domestic experts, senior professors, and doctoral supervisors serve as teachers. The school has hired more than 200 executives and technical experts from listed companies, government agencies, and industry associations as distinguished professors, and its teaching staff is at the forefront of similar universities.

(picture provided by the school)