Register from June 30th to July 8th!

Register from June 30th to July 8th!

Renmin University Affiliated Middle School Sanya School plans to recruit

160 people in 4 classes in the first grade

240 people in 6 seventh grade classes


Sanya School in the Middle School Affiliated to Renmin University of China

2022 compulsory education stage enrollment work plan

To further standardize education order, maintain a good educational ecology, promote educational equity, and improve education quality, according to the "Sanya City 2022 Compulsory Education Stage School Enrollment Work Plan" and the "Sanya City Education Bureau's Notice on Enrollment of Children of High-Level Talents" and other documents spirit, combined with the cooperative education agreement and relevant policies and regulations between the Sanya Municipal People's Government and the Joint School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, the Middle School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, and the Experimental Primary School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, this plan is now formulated based on the actual situation of our school .

1. Basic Principles

Adhere to the principles of "exemption from examination, proximity, slicing" and "relative proximity, overall arrangement", balanced class formation, balanced allocation of teachers, and strict control of class capacity to ensure that there will be no large class size for the newly admitted grades in 2022.

2. Enrollment Number and Enrollment Targets

(1) Enrollment Number

plans to enroll 160 students in 4 classes of first grade and 240 students in 6 classes of seventh grade.

(2) Enrollment targets

1. School-age children and adolescents with original household registration in Tianwei Village, Haitang District, and Group 8 original household registration in Hongli Village.

2. Children of qualified high-level talents, children of various types of talents urgently needed for the construction of the free trade port, children of active military personnel relocating with them, etc.

3. Children of other persons with special treatment. The children of martyrs, public security heroes, children of disabled policemen who died in the line of duty, children of fire rescue personnel and other special categories of personnel are admitted to school in accordance with relevant regulations.

Among them, the enrollment targets for the first grade of primary school are children of school age who are over 6 years old (that is, born before August 31, 2016), have household registration in our city or live in our city, and meet the conditions for studying in our city; the enrollment targets for the seventh grade are children who meet the requirements for studying in our city. Sanya City's admission requirements are for sixth-grade primary school graduates.

3. Implementation steps

(1) Mobilization and deployment stage

Announce the enrollment work plan in June 2022, find out the number of school-age children and teenagers within the service scope, and scientifically formulate enrollment plans based on the school's operating conditions to protect every school-age child and teenager The right to receive compulsory education.

(2) Organizational implementation stage

1. From June 30 to July 8, 2022, organize the registration of school-age children and teenagers and collect relevant materials.

(1) Parents or guardians of children and teenagers within the school service area should log in to the " Sanya Primary and Secondary School Degree Application Platform " to apply for a degree.

(2) Children of qualified high-level talents, children of various types of talents urgently needed for the construction of free trade ports, children of active-duty military personnel, children of other special treatment personnel, etc., apply directly to the school. The school will follow the spirit of relevant documents and provide relevant talent information. Identity information is used as a reference for admissions.

will not organize any form of cultural subject examination or disguised examination for students who pass the qualification review, and will not organize examinations or selections in conjunction with off-campus training institutions.

2. In accordance with the requirements of the "Sanya City 2022 Compulsory Education Stage School Enrollment Work Plan", the list of new students will be announced at a selected date.

(3) Registration and establishment of student status at the beginning of the school year

The school will organize the registration of new students. After the new students enroll, they will establish student status for the students in a timely manner, and report the student enrollment status to the Municipal Education Bureau before September 30, 2022.

4. Work Requirements

The school will conscientiously implement the city's compulsory education stage admission requirements. It will not hold any form of selective examinations, will not link various subject competitions and specialty ratings with admission, and will not collect fees linked to admission in any way. Donate to support various expenses such as tuition fees, school selection fees, and borrowing fees. The school implements a "notice admission" system and announces the school's registration methods to the public in advance. After students enroll, we implement a balanced arrangement of classes, a balanced allocation of teacher resources, and establish student status for students in a timely manner. We strictly implement "one person, one status, and status follows each person."The school will increase its publicity efforts to let the society and parents understand and support our school's enrollment work in the compulsory education stage.

5. Admissions consultation

Consultation time: 9:00-12:00, 15:00-18:00

Consultation telephone: 0898-38858008


Supervision telephone: 0898-38858019

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Source: Renmin University High School Sanya School

Trainee Editor: Chen Yi