I have studied Chinese for many years, from learning pinyin, characters, words, sentences, to homework assigned by the Chinese teacher. A diary written for several years. Passed the national high school entrance examination and studied high school Chinese. For the college entranc

has studied Chinese for many years, from learning pinyin, characters, words, sentences, to homework assigned by the Chinese teacher. A diary written for several years.

passed the national high school entrance examination and studied high school Chinese. For the college entrance examination, get high scores. Choose your ideal college.

However, I did not graduate from high school. I chose to drop out of high school in my second year of high school. Go to a technical school and learn technology. I changed schools again, secondary vocational school , to study marketing. My professional and cultural scores ranked second in the class. Every class is a professional class.

I have never read the main Chinese course again.

Photos of the first Guangzhou Design Week

Many years later, after a manual entrepreneurial experience, I thought of online articles. In the self-media Q&A, I appeared in two Q&A articles with millions of views.

I want to write a novel, and after writing and writing, I arrived at Zhongshan City . A female student from a technical secondary school, Zhongshan No. 1 Middle School, and a representative of the Chinese Department. I'm temporarily living in the room she used to live in.

I participated in an essay award, which was about the future. "Me in 20 Years" I won the special prize in the county-level competition.

had another article "Chinese Heart, Chinese Star" that entered the competition but did not win. At that time, I wrote about the Wenchuan earthquake incident and realistic themes.

I introduced myself for the first time in high school Chinese class, "I have no advantages, and my biggest shortcoming is that I have no advantages." I introduced myself with the most potential for growth.

I wrote blackboard newspapers until I went to a technical school and asked me to write blackboard newspapers. I dropped out of school and transferred to a secondary school in marketing, where I won an award for my blackboard newspaper majoring in marketing.

My writing won the second prize, the third prize, and the third prize. My bonus is 30 yuan + 20 yuan + 20 yuan, totaling 70 yuan.

I was in high school, and I was interested in enrolling as a student with special talents and painting. I went to the studio and took a class. For example, I also participated in a calligraphy competition but didn’t win.

I am in a technical secondary school and won the third prize in the calligraphy competition. Officially became a professional calligrapher. There is no competition to draw and become a painter.

returned to novel writing and wrote books. I told an alumnus that I write novels, and he had a video call with me. He said, "You can buy my works."

I said nothing. After several years of silence, I settled down. I've written novels.

i failed. I didn't say give up.

Chinese Novel Society , non-profit organization .

Chinese Writers Association is a profit-making organization.

I want to write hard, get back my honor, my glory, and become more courageous with every setback. To return to my former throne; the throne.

Time is gone forever, time flies like an arrow, and the sun and the moon fly by.

Looking back, from now on, I will be cautious and humble. Do things above board.

completes my task. Keep up the love. Study Chinese. Write my own reading, a work of fiction. A literary work.

My masterpiece. The pen name of "Activist" Wang Songzhi

stops here.