Qilu.com·Lightning News, June 29th: Recently, Shandong University of Science and Technology held an event with the theme of "Intangible Cultural Heritage Opera on Campus". More than 200 Chinese and foreign college students experienced a national intangible cultural heritage - Mao

Qilu.com · Lightning News June 29 News Recently, Shandong University of Science and Technology held a theme event of "Intangible Cultural Heritage Opera Enters Campus". More than 200 Chinese and foreign college students experienced a national intangible cultural heritage - Mao Tune opera culture.

College students learn the basic skills of singing, chanting, sitting and practicing opera from the inheritors of Mao opera. Through opera learning, opera experience, opera appreciation and other forms, they can feel the artistic charm of opera and enhance their understanding and love for traditional Chinese culture.

In recent years, Shandong University of Science and Technology has continued to promote traditional culture on campus, innovated culturally distinctive classes, and opened tie-dye classes, paper-cutting classes, lacquer classes and other traditional culture courses, and passed the "Second Classroom" , "Aesthetic Education Classroom" and other forms, special activities such as experiencing tea culture and traditional culture gatherings were held.

The rich activities bring Chinese and foreign students closer to traditional Chinese culture and enrich the campus cultural life of college students.

Lightning News reporter Yin Chengqian Correspondent Zhang Jinggang reported