The annual college entrance examination season is coming to an end, and various banquets to celebrate the winners of the gold list are slowly being put on the agenda. No matter what university their children are admitted to, some families have to hold a banquet for their relative

The annual college entrance examination season is coming to an end, and all kinds of banquets to celebrate the winners of the gold list are slowly being put on the agenda. No matter what university the children of the family are admitted to, some families have to hold a banquet for the entrance to higher education no matter what. Relatives and friends gathered together to share the joy of their children going to college.

Recently, a video of a young man who scored 476 points in the college entrance examination and gave a speech at a college entrance banquet in Huadian, Jilin became popular on the Internet, attracting the attention and heated discussion of many netizens. After watching it, some netizens even praised: "This kid lives a very transparent life. , be content and always happy, and those who are capable will be at peace.”

In the video, a boy from Northeast China is giving a speech about his college entrance examination results in front of the stage. The boy is very eloquent and said calmly and confidently: "Although I only scored 476 points in the exam, I am not as good as the top and more than the bottom. I am completely worthy of my efforts and efforts." If you work hard, you will be satisfied."

At this time, relatives and friends in the audience clapped and praised the young man for his open-minded attitude. Then the young man used a common saying to explain that people should be content with what they have, which made many people in the audience feel that he lived a very transparent life. I did not define my success or failure based on my college entrance examination scores, but kept a calm mind and continued to look forward.

Netizen’s opinion:

Some netizens commented that for a top student, 476 points is easy, but for a bad student, 476 points is his limit and deserves to be celebrated!

Some netizens commented that the college entrance examination is a game. If you get into a good university, your future will be unlimited, but if you don't get into a good university, you may not have a good future. Don't ask where the hero comes from. A true hero has his own performance. stage.

Some netizens also commented that as long as the child does his best and the parents do their best, no matter how many points they score in the exam, as long as they are admitted, it will count as a title on the gold list. There is nothing wrong with choosing to hold a college entrance banquet to record the child's life moments and leave precious memories.

Qi Pa Shuo’s point of view:

College entrance examination scores are important, but they are not the only opportunity to ride the waves in life. Both children and parents should calm down and treat scores rationally. Don’t let outside opinions affect your subjective judgment, and sometimes do your best. It should also be worthy of encouragement. After all, there are still many "exams" waiting for you in the long journey of life.

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